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Everything posted by RB16015

  1. Thnx guys... Must more to follow after this
  2. After almost a year of absence here at Mutley's and elsewhere within the FS community I am back. This time I left FS9 behind and started with FSX. Take a look at some test results after giving my good old Q6600 a little boost up to 3.0GHz Simulator: FSX Airplane: QualityWings B757-200, Level-D 767-300 Repaint: QualityWings paint & mcPhatStudios World Airliners Scenery: Aerosoft Ibiza X, FlyTampa st. Maarten, Aerosoft Amsterdam X & FSDreamteam Honolulu Add-ons: Active Sky v6.5, GEX, UT Europe X, REX + Overdrive, I hope you like it!!!
  3. Great shot and a well deserved winner :icon_thumbup:
  4. RB16015

    Iris A-10

    Lovely shots of an 'strange' looking plane
  5. Stunning shots!!! :icon_thumbup:
  6. Thanks guys. @Joe Yep Madeira was my destinations of that flight. But it is a hard land procedure
  7. Simulator: FS2004 Airplane: Default Cessna 182 Repaint: Default Scenery: Aerosoft German Airports 4 Add-ons: Active Sky Evolution, Ground Enviroment pro, Real Enviroment Xtreme FS2004 + Overdrive, HDR Plugin for FS2004
  8. :001_th_smiles76::001_th_smiles76::001_th_smiles76: Sorry, I couldn't find one that is not spectacular
  9. WOW!!! Excellent way to show FS9 is still alive :icon_thumbup:
  10. Loving each and every one of these shots
  11. RB16015


    Amazing shots Gunnar :001_th_smiles76:
  12. STUNNING!!! #1 has to be the most spectacular shot I have seen. Are you sure this is FS and not a real photo?
  13. Superb!!! It already was a beautiful plane but with the blended winglet modification it's now a spectacular plane. :icon_thumbup:
  14. That's the second when which went up in smoke. First JK chrashed his one and now this. Perhaps you guys should take some lessons before you go running down the airfield and jump in :th_smiles73:
  15. RB16015


    Absoluty stunning shots and plane you have got there JK.
  16. RB16015


    If you do get the latest driver version for your graphics card nHancer will simply not work on it. Why??? Because nHancer will not support v2.60 or higher. If that is the case you might want to read the one of the following articles. http://www.simforums.com/forums/fsx-and-nhancer-settings-for-new-drivers-updated_topic36586.html or http://www.simforums.com/forums/nhancer-for-25715-and-25721-updated_topic34873.html Just replace FSX for FS9 when reading the article and you will have great results. I personally can recommend the last article since I'm using it myself
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