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Everything posted by J G

  1. When I was a lad I flew to Athens in a Comet 4. I also flew from Venice to the UK in one. Both were DanAir. It is the only time I have ever flown with my back to the engine so to speak. A bit weird on takeoff, but the comet was a gentle climber. nice in the air though as it is quite social to have someone opposite you as you travel.
  2. Its dark early, but that's the hour change Very calm outside now....... But is that the calm before the storm!!!???? Or have the weather boys just cocked up again?
  3. Mielec PZL M-15 - The only Agricultural jet ever made.
  4. Footballers come and go, R J Mitchel and the Spitfire will be remembered for ever.
  5. I dont know why you have a problem with your textures, Perhaps a screenshot of the problem might help. I have done a fair few repaints in my time and would recommend the following tools, - they are both free: The Gimp: http://www.gimp.org/downloads/ . For repainting it is just as good as Photoshop, allows you to layer etc and will produce great results. The only thing Gimp wont handle is DTX files. As suggested above, use DTXBMP to convert the files back and forth and for adding reflective surfaces etc, having done the mail wirk in the Gimp. DTXBMP is available here: http://ww
  6. I'll second that Brian. The lack of tarmac has put me off too!
  7. Oh for goodness sake! I will say it then! Grumman X-29. .......I think :~
  8. If I tried that with my wife, I would no longer be sharing my flat with my wife. I currently live in a house!
  9. It looks great! I have A bit of ORBX software, but it is limited to Global, England and wales. I haven't ventured into purchasing any of their airports yet. I think they are going to release Fairoaks soon, as this is very close to me I think I will buy it when it is available. JG's Field.
  10. I cant find any glasses! Bu&&er! Where is the Gin?....... I went to PC world the other day and they had a massive curved screen TV. Sit and watch it an the curve has a strange 3D like effect. Not as dramatic as a full on 3D TV but the picture seemed to have a greater depth. Very interesting until you see the price. The screen may have more depth, but my wallet hasn't.
  11. Great job. Seeing that makes me want to start again, I used to make loads when I was a teenager. One little avenue of pleasure snipped off by marriage! I loved making the 1:48 scale Bandi kits as they came with interior detail and took up less shelf space!
  12. Oh Christmas... no Christmas.... in that case..... Spiced!
  13. I worked for a time as volunteer at Brooklands Museum Weybridge, where this aircraft was conceived, along with many other world leading aircraft. All of which were vandalized by stupid politicians. A world leading industry that could have employed thousands was recklessly thrown away. I am not a proponent of the death penalty, but I would have personally pulled the trigger on those responsible. One interesting object at this museum is a wind tunnel model (which can be seen http://www.flickr.com/photos/noj-johnson/5138683651/ ) From a better view it looks almost exactly like an F-111,
  14. J G

    Face trackNoIR

    I am using the SkySim Sea Vixen. It has a reasonable VC but not all switched are available as separate panels. .....Anyway, i began to feel sick using it. I never was a good sailor. I went gliding once, all those thermals. I only just got back on the ground in time. I think EZYDoc Camera might be better. Expensive if it is not the case!
  15. J G

    Face trackNoIR

    I cant remember, it was part of the original install and caused problems only after I tried to fly with out the software. I uninstalled the driver and all was well. Then I uninstalled the rest of it.
  16. J G

    Face trackNoIR

    This software is in the bin as far as I am concerned. It installs a joystick driver that upset FSUIPC and caused all sorts of viewing issues when NOT using the tracker. FSX became unusable until I uninstalled the joystick driver it puts in. Then suddenly all was well with FSX. I dont know what the conflict was. Having said that, I also got a lot of scrimmage jitters and found it generally more trouble than it is worth. I suspect that this could be a very good product if refined some, but right now it is not for me.
  17. J G

    Face trackNoIR

    The jury is still out on this. I may gave found a way to centre the thing but have not tested it yet. I do have a bit of a problem with the screen jittering when the program is running. Its intermittent thing and it can make using a VC switch it it won't keep still to click on it. More comment to come when I get to a stage where I can actually do a flight.
  18. Shackleton it is. The shape of the fuselage is the giveaway. My dad used to take me to RAF St Mawgan in Cornwall when I was a boy where you could park almost at the end of the runway and watch these magnificent beasts thunder overhead as they left to go out on patrol. The highlight of my holidays! Over to you Geoff
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