Everything posted by J G
@ Andrew..... "This is the Wattle the emblem of our land, you can stick it in a bottle or hold it in your hand" Amen and crack a tube. Can I join now? @Brian747 Its from our local regiment, the 2nd of foot latterly the Queens Royal West Surrey Regiment. Long since amalgamated, and the Stoughton Barracks turned into a housing estate. My paternal grandfather served with them in the first world war as a lewis gunner. If you see it on other forums with the name Lamb or Paschal Lamb, it going to be me. J.
SexPistol. 23 here but climbing fast.... you guys watch out.... in about 5 years
Dirty Harry. (No not the prince...the film......mind you, you never know... )
Letter from Fred "Mulletman" Clark
J G replied to mutley's topic in Mutley's Hangar News and Announcements
Its good to see that you got there in the end... Well done indeed! I trod the same course but with a different outcome. I was enthralled by flight sims while still young (green screen and wire framed), but it lead to an equal fascination in the devices that the sims ran on, I too ran into girls, and it wasn't until I had married one and that pursuit was nipped in the bud that it dawned on me that a career in banking wasn't for me. I too jumped ship, but over the other side and into an IT career. Although this has proved to be a fruitful move, and I cant say I have ever regretted it. I st -
I seem to have a few add on and FSX original airfields where there are no refueling facilities. Is there an easy way to add the ability to call a truck to refuel or even to add a fuel point?
Baggy trousers!
Brett, Good luck, but I don't like your chances. We have ways you know... Cheers Andrew Thank you sir, may I have another. Some people just don't want to learn. I have always been a carrot type of person rather than the whip.... I have had loads of fun hitting others with carrots.......
Budget airlines mid air refueling as they introduce a nonstop London to Sydney service without the expence of buying Long haul aircraft.
Fire curtain
Sure thing Andrew.... Can I call you Bruce?
Thanks for the welcome guys! @Andrew.... I have a few Aussie friends and have spent time down under as well as in Canada. My sum total time in the USA is 20 mins. Thats across the Rainbow Bridge from Canada at Niagara Falls, 20 mins to work out that the Canadian side was a better view, and back into Canada. Time taken to go through US Border controls: 1.5 hours...... Time to go back through Canadian Boarder Controls.... 15 seconds! I still have to work out those Americans even there are a few in the VA I am in.
Hi My name is John and I have been flying sims off on on since a friend introduced me to a green screen, wire frame flight sim on an original Apple Mac back in the dawn of time. I fly MS FSX on a regular basis with a Canadian based VA, for which I run a European server used for on line flying. I am also their fleet manager. What is my passion? British '60s aircraft both civil and military, but I lean heavily towards the military as a preference. Favorite FSX add-on? - Just flight's English Electric Lightning, no contest there at all, it is fabulous, as is the real thing. Most
Just Flights fantastic Eurofighter Typhoon takes on the North Wales Mach-Loop! The view from the cockpit..... Coming through!!
" And here we see the RAF lads off on holiday... towing their Caravan....."