Everything posted by J G
Weird... Still no image. I guess my ISP is blocking it. I guess I will make a stab in the dark from the comment above and say the Martin XB-51 (previously the XA-45), first flew in 1949. Lost out to the Martin B57 otherwise known as the English Electric Canberra.
I am a resent convert to ORBX scenery. I often fly low (my wife will tactfully point this out ) and like the more three dimensional feel that ORBX gives me when doing that. Previously I used Photo real scenery for the UK which is great if you are a high flyer (this I don't often do, or so they tell me at work ) but it appears too flat if you are under 5000 ft. ORBX is great for night flights as well. I also do a fair amount of VFR map and compass navigation using a Tiger Moth. Photo scenery is great for this as you know all of the roads and rivers will be there and you can easily p
Oh! that's where I left it! Woodwork
Close one....... Does that mean there is Naaa ..... Rules 1, 3,5 and 7? And presumably the rule "I don't want to catch anyone not drinking" still applies? Oh yes the word.... Teasmade .... Reminds me of an old joke.....
You are right there. I guess there is a price for fame and fortune. Too higher price for me. A sad life, sunk on the rocks of celebrity.
Lorry driver
I don't know about others, but I cant see the picture!!
OOM Error. How is this possible?
J G replied to Mistwalker's topic in Flight Simulator X (FSX) / FSX Steam Edition
Hi James. I just came across this post and have followed your settings advice. BIG improvement for my system, so thanks for this! -
Oh the memories...... The White Alpha was my second car. My first was an Austin Cooper of the same vintage as the blue one shown above. Being a Cooper it had the 998cc engine and not the 1275cc of the Cooper S...... and mine was a less than exciting beige with a white roof.
Makes you realize what a big beast she is....
Kenny Everett (Its all done in the best possible...)
Tropical (not wanting to come between Jaydor and Hifly... but doing so)
Well done Brett.... Over to you.
...not American.....
Here we see rare footage of two SAS troopers engaging an Iraqi aircraft in unarmed combat during the first Gulf War.
The Jokes topic (Do not enter if easily offended)
J G replied to mutley's topic in Members General & Announcements
I can only assume that the Doctor or Nurse on the extreme right of the photo in scrubs is wearing a mask to prevent the inhalation of brick dust! -
Ok here goes...... I started with UT 2 awhile ago and it does what is says on the tin...... until you land somewhere like RAF Valley. And then the place is deserted, nothing... not a sausage. UT 2 is fine if you visit large commercial airports and fly heavies, its not too bad if you fly GA. But go any where military and it like the RAF just had its budget slashed to nothing by the politicians. There is nothing flying at all, or if there is it is not appropriate to the airfield. but it is usually nothing. Traffic 360 is just as good with the heavies and GA, may be better on GA, but fl
Did he mention the midges?
Hmmmm..... don't want to scare you but that looks Russian...... ain't those shadows on the left side missiles?
Orange tart
Dr Who
I have Ultimate Traffic 2 and Traffic 360. I don't use Ultimate Traffic 2 ....... need I say more?