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Everything posted by J G

  1. J G

    VR is here!

    Happy new year Richard! The short and happy answer is no. You can still map buttons to joystick controls, I use FSUIPC to do this. Before you complain that you already have other things mapped to my joystick and/or throttle, note that when you use VR there are a shed load of mappings that you wont use anymore. In most cases the only aircraft controls I have mapped are the stick and the throttle leavers. All the rest can be done in the VC of a quality add-on, so you will have freed up a whole load of buttons. My advice would be not to
  2. Have you checked behind the sofa? Or behind the butter in the fridge? That's where I find lost things. Except single socks, If the Saitek drivers are in a lost sock then you have had it!
  3. The wing has three purposes, apart from flight it can be used as a saw (see illustration above) and as a heavy duty drill. (See the very large drill bit on the inner pylon).
  4. A girl walks into a bar with a duck under her arm. The barman says, "What are you doing in here with that pig?" The girl replies, "That's not a pig it's a duck" The barman says, "I was talking to the duck!" There is this pig farmer, and its getting close to slaughter time but none of his pigs are getting pregnant. If none get pregnant then either he can't slaughter them until they do, or he has to slaughter them and then have no new pigs. Either way he's bankrupt. So he goes to his friend on the farm next door and asks for advice. "I'll tell ya my secret, but y
  5. if Micke cant do it then I would be happy to work with Matt on it, and/or Micke if he needs to lighten his load. I really enjoy the ATWC, it is one of the great institutions of this venerable site. Micke puts in a shed load of work each time it happens and it is very much appreciated . I would hate to see it wither on the vine if Micke cannot commit his time for a while.
  6. Thanks Joe. I am happy to help in any way I can. J.
  7. It there to be an ATWC'17? ATWC started about this time last year but there has been no announcement as yet.
  8. Me to. On the plus side that means they can commit more resources to fsx/P3D
  9. Drone deliveries have already started in the UK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3593413/Incredible-footage-captures-moment-drone-delivers-drugs-mobile-phones-PRISONER-hooks-bag-stick-cell.html
  10. J G

    Flight Sim 2017

    I have a vague recollection of having been sent an email advertising this. I thought it was a scam at the time and deleted it. I did this on the grounds that here was a new Flight Sim that the FS community hasn't heard of. That's not going to happen. Other readers may know more than me... Thoroughly virus check each disk if you put them anywhere near your PC I found this on-line.... http://microsoft-flight-simulator-2017.blogspot.co.uk/ Still dubious I think. I am very suspicious of headings like "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2017 Ge
  11. Will RR have test their engines by chucking an amazon package into them as well as the proverbial chicken? We have all heard of bird strikes, but Amazon strikes are a new unknown.
  12. To me this looks totally unworkable. : What happens to loads a drone cant carry (Weight or size)? Is there enough demand outside peak seasons to justify the cost of the airship fleet? What about other aviation in the area? What happens if the airship is out of stock of an item but same day delivery is required? From the above: how does the stock management work across multiple airborne mini warehouses and warehouse "bases"? I could go on. Two last questions: Has Amazon spent a load on money on potential same day drone delivery advertising
  13. @JA - Joes advice below is the best: In short the best combination is AS16 with REX textures. I have REX4 and Soft clouds which seems to be a great combination. I am glad that someone else finds the official blurb from the websites as confusing as I do!!
  14. Christmas is over the goose is cooked as it seems is Santas. Matt, you get the prize for the brilliant festive song below: So you're up next.......
  15. A sad loss. 2016 has not been a good year for celebrities.
  16. That's fantastic JA, enjoy eating up that tasty black stuff, I love it!
  17. Happy Birthday John, sorry it's a bit late, it's been a busy Christmas so far and it isn't done Yet!
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