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Everything posted by dgor

  1. Love them Tap! I would love to have traffic like that but I don't want to have to sit and install all the custom packages :mrhappy: If they would release an all-in-one version I'd have it like a shot
  2. My entries: Air North flight 505 over the Yukon, enroute Juneau-Vancouver: Approaching Vancouver: HLX's "taxi" over the Swiss Alps (this flight took AGES - geddit? :rofl ) Cheers and good luck to all! Dave
  3. Vroute - http://www.vroute.net A collection of real world commercial flight plans and VATSIM network data :-) Dave
  4. Hole in one Martyn! It was in fact your post about its short runway and Ryanair's hard landings on it that made me want to fly there - now I fly E190s (half the size of the B738 but still) there for the VA and it's one of my favourite destinations. I thought you'd be the one to get it. Over to you :-) Dave
  5. Wow, a great set of clues Joe - wish I could say I got them all :poster_oops: Over to the next one - not too difficult. Dave
  6. Love it Tap! Very dramatic. Looked like a greaser, good job
  7. Hi all, If anyone else is having this problem I thought I would post this invisible gauge addon which when added to the aircraft's panel will fix the problem: http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=rcbse-10.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search Dave
  8. Hi Kieran, Uninstall the Flight1 ATR from the Add/Remove Programs menu, then go into FS and have a good hunt around for any gauges, aircraft folders, sounds, modules, and the Flight One Software (or whatever it's called) folder in the FS9 root folder. Delete anything related to the ATR, restart and install the package again :-) Dave
  9. Great photos Phil, some stunning scenery there! Hope you had a good time and glad to have you back :-) Dave
  10. Thanks for the replies guys :-) I will try resetting to defaults and if that doesn't work a more drastic delete of FS9.cfg. I think that the rudder pedals being installed has just upset things a bit for FS9. John, I had thought that it might be RC4 too but all my controls for it use Ctrl-Shift so it can't be the cause. Thanks again for the help lads :-) Dave
  11. Amazing photos Sam :-) I love the BMI one (one of my favourite liveries :wub ) and the Virgin one is cool, I didn't know they put the date of first flight on their planes as well as the name. Interesting. Dave :-)
  12. Hi, Since a couple of days ago any control assignments which require the use of an item selection by number - such as the exit (Shift+E+number) or engine (E+number) select controls are not working properly. If I try to use either of the controls it will automatically default to assignment 1 and not give me any time to select a different item. So I can only select engine 1 or open exit 1. I first noticed the problem after installing new Saitek rudder pedals and have tried a few solutions. I have tried giving the two controls different key assignments which eliminate the need for Shift to be us
  13. Correct Dai! Over to you :-)
  14. dgor


    Nice work Matt :-) Reminds me of something an airline would use in an advertisement or brochure or perhaps an "artist's impression" of their livery on a new plane :-) Dave
  15. Beautiful shots Tap! I love the BAe146 - shame Flybe are retiring the old bird! Dave :-)
  16. My next entry: This airport has its antipole in Russia. Dave
  17. Thanks Tap! Some excellent clues there: the sea, the big unusual apron in the background, and the earth runway to the left of the pic :-) Will have the next one up tomorrow hopefully. Dave
  18. Hi Tap, Is it Murcia-San Javier Airport (LELC) in Spain?
  19. Hi, I have my T2005AFD folder as the lowest priority addon scenery folder in the Scenery Library :-) That way if anything else has its own AFCAD it automatically has priority over the T2005 one. Thought that might prove useful in future for you Tap :-) Dave
  20. Flybe: Hidden charges are fun! (I recently tried booking 3 seats with them from Belfast to Manchester. The seats were marked as "
  21. * Ryanair: Always remember you get what you pay for :wink:
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