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Everything posted by Soya

  1. Hi folks, Here's a few short flight videos from MSFS 2020 including a short flight into Hurricane Laura, enjoy the view, This short video is from the same flight as the above but taken much later at sunset while approaching the hurricane from the other side, I saw this sunset and took a capture. And 1 more short flight video showing the co-pilot's go around at KSFO and flying low over parts of San Francisco Thanks for watching.
  2. Hey folks, If you're using the newest MSFS 2020, you may want to know that Aerosoft have released a free DLC airport, Germany's Paderborn/Lippstadt. A very nice little airport which I remember buying way back in FSX as German Airports 3. You can find it easily on Aerosoft's website. Here's a few screenshots from their airport in MSFS 2020, enjoy the view (unedited, reduced from 3440x1440): PS Hosting my screenshots on imgur now, so hopefully won't be getting disappearing links!
  3. Thanks folks, glad you enjoyed those shots. I will post a few short flight videos, including one of flying into Hurricane Laura. which you may enjoy watching. Cheers.
  4. Weird, can't workout why google photos links are working sometimes and not others, I add everything to an album that has link sharing set to on. I edited the post and redone the links, let me know if you can see them now.
  5. Nice shots and glad to hear about Orbx doing an update. I saw a youtube video on the matter and TBH I was not a bit surprised that some 3rd party companies will try to get away with simply porting stuff over with no overhaul or effort and try to sell it at full price. We cannot let them get away with that, the products needs the full updated treatment and must look better then what the basic MSFS 2020 shows us now and it is a very high bar they set for all 3rd party payware addons, they must be better otherwise it's pointless buying it.
  6. Thanks folks, adding the extra ram really made a fair difference for me at least. I am still reeling on how amazing this sim is.
  7. My latest video, night flight from Heathrow to Schiphol, amazed how smooth it ran with only an occasional stutter, mind you, I did upgrade to 32GB RAM which made a difference for me.
  8. Hi folks, I been spending lots of time experimenting with trying to get reasonable smooth captures from MSFS 2020 as the sim is rather a system hog and getting steady fps recording while maintaining high visual fidelity is not easy. Still I came up so far with these two videos, one is a window view of a short flight around Frankfurt (EDDF) and another of Kennedy Int (KJFK). Original recording size 3440x1440, alas the upload to Youtube did make it lose some visual quality but that's Youtube for you. Enjoy the view. EDDF: KJFK:
  9. Thanks Joe and well remembered, KLM from my old stomping grounds. It's good to be back guys, its been too long. Hopefully will have plenty of screen shots to share in the coming months/years but for now, plenty to re-learn, tweak and look forward to regular updates/patches/upgrades and new mods/addons for this amazing next gen sim. We're being spoiled but I think we've earned it after all these years of waiting for the 'next big thing'. We can look forward to the massive growth and interest our sim world will be getting from people all around the world, lots of new blood.
  10. Hi all, It has been many years since I posted here, or anywhere else for that matter, regarding Flight Sim screenshots. I hope you're all doing well, for those who are still around from my FSX days many years ago. So we finally have a new Flight sim and what beauty it is. Ever since FSX I been waiting for years to see a next gen Flight Sim like FS2020. Time to dust off my Flight Sim skills and equipment (whats this button do?). I used to be pretty good in capturing picturesque screenshots in FSX back in the days, time to brush up on those skills. Enjoy this sele
  11. Thanks all, much appreciated.
  12. Hello folks, Happy New Year to you all, it has been a while since I last posted but here are a few Pick and Mix shots for you to enjoy. (unedited fsx screen shots): Thank you for viewing my post, hope you enjoyed the view.
  13. No, I think you may have misunderstood. Nothing is edited in that shot, its a straight captured shot from FSX with no post editing. I was saying the moon is not the default FSX moon as the default is way too low res. Just an addon to show a higher res bitmap moon so when zooming in, it still looks like a moon. Then simply a lot of patience to get the shot right with the flyby camera which is one of the default FSX camera views.
  14. First off the moon is not the default FSX moon as that one is way too low res. I replaced the default bmp moon files with a high res one (can find it on most FSX libraries). Then in order to achieve that large moon shot with the 747 silhouetted in front of it, I used the fly-by camera to create a large distant between the camera POV and 747, then simply zoomed in till I got the 747 in full view with the moon zoomed behind it. Not an easy shot and took me close to an hour just to get the shot right, still, came out pretty good.
  15. Here are my mooning attempts: Moon Landing: United under the moon: Chasing after(burn) the moon: Best of luck all.
  16. Soya

    Overly Edited

    A pleasure folks.
  17. As always, some inspiring entries, here are mine: A Golden Gate Sunset: Guernsey in Autumn colours: The green summer grass fading away to the dull brown chilly looks over the Isle of Man, autumn has arrived: Best of luck all.
  18. Soya

    Overly Edited

    Hi folks, I recently made a post called 'The Future of FSX' which basically contained some PSP edited FSX shots in order to see what the future of FSX (or other flight sims) might look like. I had some overflow of these overly edited shots and I thought I would share these spare edits with you folks as you may enjoy a shot or two in this batch. Here the remaining overly edits: Thanks for viewing.
  19. Greetings fellow simmers, Enjoy this latest batch of unedited screen shots this time showing off A2A's P-51 Mustangs: Thanks for viewing my work.
  20. Thank all for your kind comments, perhaps P3D v2.0 will be another step in the right direction.
  21. Greetings folks, I often wonder how far we shall see FSX, or any other flight simulator for that matter, progress in terms of 'how close to reality can it be made to look'. We have all seen many fantastic addons to our flight sim over the many years ranging from aircraft to scenery, from texture enhancements to booster programs, from freeware to payware, that have made our sim experience feel more real and enjoyable. However, I am sure you will all agree with me that it is still a far cry away from looking real. Still, with hardware ever improving, software developers getting better and bo
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