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Everything posted by Corsaire31

  1. There is a cost for being stupid and it's all right ! Remembers me when I lived in Nice (the airport has been built on the sea) and there were guys with windsurfs waiting for the take offs... Not sure what they were breathing was good for their health !
  2. I like to feel at home in my planes ! And, as in real life, I don't have a collector's mind for things I'm not regularly using. We're all different, and it's great !
  3. Welcome ! that's not the kind of plane we are used to see on this runway... specially British Airways ! They usually belong to Blagnac.
  4. I understand... I have another strategy in fact, I fly many hours in a few planes. Don't have enough room in my hangar to store too many ! And if I don't fly them often enough, I have forgotten all data and have to read the whole thing again about take off speed, climb rate, approach speed, max flaps speed and all these things... Getting old, I suppose...
  5. Great set ! Where do you find the time to get familiar with all these planes ? Sometimes takes me an hour to download, install read the docs and figure out how to start the thing... so that's several flight hours before feeling at home in there. (Knowing I'm retired, don't watch TV and don't go to sleep before 3 o'clock morning most of the time... I am very admirative !
  6. Nigel if you fly to my place, here is what it looks like (much smaller than yours, but cosy...) full size link : http://www.fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/images/2014/09/25/CGfoj.jpg
  7. Also found a few repaints for the 310Q and the 310B at Simviation.
  8. There it is : It is the 310 Q but the 310 B is the same with a small difference in the layout (mainly electrical switches and the autopilot commands under the GPS) Also found a US Army repaint at Simviation.
  9. I took a few pics on my maiden flight, but only from outside. For me it's good quality freeware,clean and functional (all clickable) with a GPS 500 in the middle and all necessary gauges, although I don't know if it all in the right place as I don't know the real one.. Usual pop ups.
  10. Made a little hop from my home (Muret L'Herm) to yours while trying my new Cessna 310.
  11. I've seen the news on the french forums, it's a nice job, but for the few times I go there the Occitania will be fine for me. I understand why you would want to have it if it's your local airport.
  12. For FSX Acceleration and P3D http://www.robertjamesrichardson.co.uk/ A good quality freeware.
  13. This is the Dassault Flamant which you can see in detail in the pics. It was a liaison and training airplane built between 1947 and 1950. (320 planes altogether) They have been in use by the french army until 1982.
  14. World War 1 ? can't miss this one ! Registered... thanks for info ! I will pass on the info on my World War 1 sim forum.
  15. There is another one in Gimont (Gers, west of Toulouse) in two weeks : http://www.gimont-aero.com/meeting-aerien/programme/
  16. ... was yesterday ! 113 pictures to watch at : https://www.flickr.com/photos/corsaire31/sets/72157647486189809/
  17. You should try Kerbal Space Program...
  18. ...but British Airways made some deal to fly over Edinburgh ...
  19. Thanks for sharing these nice pics. Looks like it was good times !
  20. I never tried as I stayed with my old UTX/GEX combination, but I doubt it would be a good idea to mix them with ORBX stuff. I'm affraid you will have to chose to go down one road or the other. If I had to take the decision today, I would probably go down the ORBX road which is more modern and still in motion. I'm used to UTX/GEX and as said before I don't plan in investing more money in FSX. ( Besides this I am probably too lazy to deinstall / reinstall the whole stuff ) Exception : I might although later install ORBX for New Zealand as I have some plans to fly there and it is obviously the
  21. To be totally honest, although I agree UTX / GEX is older than FTX Global ( but I'm happy with it and don't want to spend more money in FSX ) it also covers on my PC, outside Europe : USA, Canada, Alaska, Africa and Middle East, Atlantic and Pacific tropical islands + Central America, South America and Asia. That's already a few places where you can fly Fortunately there is also for airfields/airports another nice source called "freeware".
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