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pjl953 last won the day on September 23 2015

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41 Neutral

About pjl953

  • Rank
    Ground Staff
  • Birthday 20/01/2000

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  1. This looks great! I'm very often flying to Jersey if I need a break from life so would be interested in this, there isn't a great deal out there other than stuff covered vaguely by FTX Global which, being global isn't as accurate as it could be.
  2. pjl953


    Well, if you have one area control centre which covers from the ground and has no upper limit, there are theoretically a lot more aircraft to deal with, what with clearances, taxi, and other general airport operations, whereas the EUR sectors (there are 5 by the way, EURW, EURE, EURM, EURN and EURI), covering only above FL245 can cut out all this ground and lower airspace stuff, meaning they have a lower workload so can have a much larger sector (the different pieces on the map that all say EURM are one sector for EUR). In reality though I have seen them get very busy, EURW especially. This ma
  3. pjl953


    What exactly do you mean by a thousand of the same? If you are referring to the fact that EURM covers other sectors as well, it's because the EUR sector only covers above FL245, whereas the main control centre covers from the ground up.
  4. pjl953


    Hi Ardy, What this means is that the control centre only controls the upper airspace (above FL245). For example, the one in your screenshot is eurocontrol maastricht, but the same would show for any of the other eurocontrol sectors. Hope this helps Peter
  5. A very Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year to all - from Santa arriving back home (Rovaniemi in Finland) in his personal Finnair Airbus 321
  6. And finally: United 777-200 en-route Newark - Gatwick for VATSIM Cross The Pond Eastbound 2015
  7. 2: BA 747 cruising into the evening sunlight
  8. Ok, so, late as usual, here come my three entries. 1: BA A320 Parked after an evening flight to Palermo from Gatwick
  9. Two fellas, Paddy and Shane are walking along the road. Paddy spots a notice, and reads it out to Shane: "Hey look Shane, it says 'Tree fellers wanted'". "Well that's no good" Shane replied, "There's only two of us".
  10. I had this issue when I first installed England to P3D v2.5, and I solved it by installing the latest ORBX libraries. They can be downloaded from ORBX's website. Hope this helps Peter
  11. Congrats, Concorde looks so elegant against the clouds. A very worthy winner!
  12. And finally: G-FLBC departing Amsterdam for Southampton.
  13. Shot number 2 is an Aeroflot 777 departing UUEE, Moscow Sheremetyevo (no need to try and pronounce that!)
  14. Shot number 1: DHL 757 departing Copenhagen EKCH
  15. Regarding the 737-300, Qualitywings are developing the 737 Classic series, not sure how close to release, but they do post quarterly status updates on their forums, with the next one at the end of September. Either the Qualitywings 757 or the Captain Sim one should be ok, I have the Qualitywings one, but I believe the Captain Sim one is also of a high quality. Hope this helps Regards Peter
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