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Everything posted by Tristarcaptain

  1. Does anyone know if there is a good MiG-21 out there for Microsoft FSX? (I must admit that I prefer the later 'big spine' versions) TIA. Martin
  2. #9 reminds me of the one where someone put on the envelope 'Photos do not bend'. The postman wrote underneath 'Oh yes they do!!'
  3. This seems to be step in the right direction. However, now the scenery seems a bit unstable. For example, the runway seems to shimmer and adjacent textures find their way to parts where they should not be. Also, the text at the top of the screen (which gives speed, altitude, etc) is smaller than it was. Maybe I need to fiddle around with the screen resolution....? Thanks for your help so far....
  4. Has anyone else had issues with the MilViz F-15E? My FSX is working pretty good, but when I load the F-15E, it works great, but when I press ESC to exit FSX, it crashes. So, if I want to continue to fly FSX, even in another plane, I have to restart FSX. Incidentally, after I installed the F-15E, FSX crashes after every flight, no matter what aircraft, even default ones. The flight does not register in the flight log either, but I can recover that. This has happened a number of times, as it has been reinstalled a number of times over the last year or two... TIA Martin
  5. I have started a thread in the airliner section...please add your name to the list and we will see if we can nudge them....thanks.
  6. I have made a posting about what aircraft people would like for their flight sim. I am not the only one hoping for a VC-10, hopefully by someone like Just Flight as they seem to be doing good stuff at the moment. So, who is prepared to add their name to the list? What I want is a responses by people who would DEFINATELY buy a VC-10 if a good one was produced. If I can get a good amount of responses, I will contact Just Flight and point them to this site and the need for a VC-10. Maybe we can nudge them.... TIA Martin
  7. That's interesting...I have been badgering JF too for a VC-10! They have done the Tristar and included the freighter/tanker versions, logic would say that should do a VC-10. Maybe we should start a petition online for them to do one...?
  8. Ok...I remember the Spice Girls, and I bet that all who live in the UK do.... But, the question for the weekend is what do YOU want if you could choose some aircraft to be done for flight sim.? The limit is five military subjects, and five civilian. Here is my 'want list'. Military: Blackburn Buccaneer S2B. I mean a good one by someone like JF or MilViz. Sepecat Jaguar (RAF version). (Hint to JF) Avro Vulcan to replace the current one. Maybe a Blue Steel version powered by TacPack so that we can sort out the bad guys in the Middle east!! X-32 (because it's so ugly!) Follan
  9. I must be behind the times here...not sure what YMMV is...???
  10. Well...I think that you have an obsession. However, you can afford it after all of the royalties that you earned for the Star Wars movies! Just don't give me a throat hug!!!
  11. Hi there! I must admit that I was not getting on too well with the rockable throttles. As I am still learning the Tornado, at the moment, I am using the /plus shift keys to activate the reverse thrust. I still have a long way to go, but I love the plane. I did buy it when it first came out and it was unusable on my PC due to the low frame rates. I am glad that they have updated it to make it more friendly to lower spec. pc's. As for the Hawk, that one is on my list to buy when it comes out, and my wish list is for them to do a Jaguar and Buccaneer to the same standard as the Tornado!
  12. How many aircraft do you have in your virtual hanger? Also, I am curious as to if you have 'too many', does this generally affect the performance of FSX or cause crashes...? For me, I seem to have issues if I have 'too many' and tend to rotate the aircraft, but then I am no computer expert and maybe it's just me!! My current favorite is the Just Flight Panavia Tornado. Martin
  13. Thanks to all who took the trouble to respond to this. I could not find any actual reviews on YouTube and there seems to be little on line about the Flight1 Su-27 Flanker B. It does look like it is produced with ALS-SIM. Now for the embarrassing part...I did buy it a way back, but it did not install right and unfortunately I did not create an account, so I lost it. (I told you in a previous post that I am not good on a computer). Anyway, it appeared in FSX like a skeleton with bits missing (like the problem someone had with the AFS F-4 Phantom). After reading that post, I checked
  14. Has anyone tried or got the Flight 1 Su-27 Flanker B? If so, please can you let me know your thoughts on it and if it is any good? I must admit that I love the Flanker and I have the Bear Studios Su-30. TIA. Martin
  15. Now I have your attention, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas...I don't like 'happy holidays'....December 25th is Christmas...it has been for around 2,000 years!! Anyway, have a great time and watch out for Santa and his sleigh while flying the virtual skies. Martin
  16. Thanks Mutley and Auger for your advice. It is much appreciated. By the way, I love the new look web site...it rocks!! :thum: :thum:
  17. Gee....I gave up on trying to fix FSX as it did not work, but thanks to all you kind people who tried to help. Sooooo...my next question is... I am doing a new reinstall of FSX. What files do I need to back up in case they get corrupted...? TIA Martin
  18. I have backed up the fsx.cfg, deleted it from the FSX folder in my hard drive and restarted FSX. It seemed to build up something, presumably what I want. FSX was rebooted with the result that it is still not starting. I checked what was happening in the windows that appear after pressing 'ctrl, alt and del' and it appears that fsx.exe is working as it does not say that it is not responding, like before. By the way, the file called fsx.exe.*32 Is the '32 because FSX is a 32 bit system? Now I am a bit puzzled....what do I do with the original backed up fsx.cfg (sorry if I sound stupid ).
  19. Ok...I have registered. I have looked on the site for the download and looked in the FSX section. I have tried various categories such as Misc. files: etc, but cannot find it. In what category in FSX drop down menu should I be looking? Thanks.
  20. Hi Gang Thanks for the tips....I will try the suggestions and see what happens. Best wishes Martin
  21. I have had FSX since shortly after it came out. I wish to make it clear that I am not an expert in computers....indeed at work I was known for being inept on computers , so please bear this in mind when replying. I have lost count of the number of time that I have reinstalled FSX and am getting frustrated. I am hoping that one of you good folk can help. FSX has crashed yet again, and while the title screen opens, it fails to load up. When I press ctrl,alt + del, it says that FSX is not responding. Looking at the info displayed, it seems as though the fsx.exe is not responding. My questi
  22. Yep....typical UK rules! And yes....I used to do risk assessments for a certain well known UK employer prior to crossing the pond!!
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