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Everything posted by Tristarcaptain

  1. We have a winner!! I am giving this one to John....I just love it!! Well done......over to you now!!
  2. Ok guys and ladies....I know that at least one of you has a cat...my wife and I have four!! Here is Lily in a nice pose....so let's see what caption you can come up with.....
  3. I used to make model aircraft prior to moving to USA and I was us to doing research to get things just right....... Cue my new life as a flight simmer...I am soooo looking forward to Just Flights new Hawker Hunter which is close to release. However....do notice one glaring error...the 4FTS machine has Sabrinas!! Research shows that these were NOT carried and the gun ports were faired over. They were unofficially known as GT6's, as they were the fastest without the add ons!!! I have been in touch with the said company to point this out and the info has been passed to
  4. A bit windy over here too...I had Mexican yesterday!!! (Sorry...couldn't resist!!!)
  5. I can't say that I can put my trust in the F-35, but there is some video footage of Su-27 Flanker(s) at Groom Lake! Maybe we could use those!! I am kind of hoping that Donald Trump will reopen the F-22 production line, as he is keen for the military to get better stuff.
  6. Yeah...but the American's developed and made the Eagle...yet the Saudi's have the best version...not the American's!! Something wrong there...
  7. For all who love the F-15 Eagle, here is a video promo of the Saudi version. The vid is pretty good, but I love that music! Enjoy!! https://theaviationist.com/2017/02/01/up-close-and-personal-with-the-first-saudi-f-15sa-the-most-advanced-eagle-ever-built/ Martin
  8. Latest news!!! Mathias Rust does it again!! After landing illegally in Red Square, Moscow on 28th May 1987 in a private plane, Mathias Rust has scored another coup by landing a plane on the lawn of the White House. President Trump, who was in residence when the plane landed, looked outside his window and said 'Wow....that's yuuuuuge!'
  9. Conclusive proof that Putin DID have secret talks with Donald Trump...!
  10. Pilot: I am not sure that the mechanic fitted the artificial horizon the right way up!
  11. Actual exchanges between pilots and control towers Tower: "Delta 351, you have traffic at 10 o'clock, 6 miles!" Delta 351: "Give us another hint! We have digital watches!" ************************************************************************************************** Tower: "TWA 2341, for noise abatement turn right 45 Degrees." TWA 2341: "Center, we are at 35,000 feet. How much noise can we make up here?" Tower: "Sir, have you ever heard the noise a 747 makes when it hits a 727? " ****************************************************************************************************
  12. A horse walks into a bar... The barman asks 'Why the long face......'...?!!
  13. Just Flight has a promotional video on their home site with regard to the forthcoming Hawker Hunter. It looks pretty cool and includes that famous 'blue note' in the video. Enjoy!! Martin https://www.justflight.com/product/hunter-f6-fga9
  14. All they want for Christmas is an AIM-54, an AIM-54. All they want for Christmas is an AIM-54.... (Sung to the tune of 'All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth'
  15. Latest intelligence indicated that ISIS members would be posing as Santa this year, as a plot to leave explosive devises with the unsuspecting public.
  16. Right!! That does it!! Santa left me some socks and handkerchiefs again this year!! I keep asking him for high spec computer so that my flight simulator runs better!!
  17. Ooops...in my excitement, I forgot to add that. Anyway, it is Just Flight who are developing it. Martin
  18. One plane that I have long been hoping for FSX is the VC-10. I have just looked at the 'In Development' projects, and they are working on a VC-10!!!!! Yey...I can't wait!!!!! Martin
  19. Thanks for your thoughts, Andrew. I decided to bite the bullet and reinstall it from scratch on my PC hard drive. I am now back in business, but have a lot more add-ons to reinstall!! Thanks to all who have offered their support....you guys ROCK!! Regards Martin
  20. It does not want to cooperate...it does not bring up the repair facility even though FSX is loaded. Why don't they make things easy???? So...if I do a reload, would it work putting FSX onto a small external hard drive such as a passport type thing? My thinking would then be if I need to do a system restore again, then I could unplug the passport from the USB while this is being done, and hopefully FSX would be unaffected!! If I go down that road, would there be a lag with input commands from items such as the joystick and throttle, seeing as the program would not be on the
  21. Lady Penelope was holding a grand dinner, when she had an attack of gas (AKA Fart!). Of course, she not want to appear rude, so as Parker, he loyal servant, was next to her serving the food, she turned to him and said in a sharp tone: 'Parker...stop that at once!' To which he replied: 'Yes, mu'lady. Which way did it go?!!'
  22. At the risk of sounding dumb, how do you access the repair option? I have never been able to figure that out. It does occasionally pop up by itself as an option, but when I want it...I can't seem to find/access it.... TIA
  23. Ha, ha!! This reminds of a funny incident..... Many years ago, I lived in a large block of flats/apartments in the UK. One day, I was taking the lift/elevator down to the ground floor, when I felt the need to.....errr...let out a fart. Yep...it sure was noisy...enough to wake the dead!! At that precise moment, the elevator stopped and in walked a young lady. I thought that she was bound to have heard it, so I amused myself my looking at the floor! After a few seconds, I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw her looking at me. Oh no.....it turned out to be a young lady from the
  24. Ok...here is the situation. I have had Microsoft FSX running nicely for a little while, and I have been very happy . Yesterday, I had to do a system restore on the PC due to another program crashing. It resolved the situation with the program, but when I went to flight sim , I started having scenic problems. For example, if I fly from Leeming in the UK, the depicted coastline is made up of a series of 'blocks' i.e. 90 degree segments of land. No nice, flowing Yorkshire coastline...just straight lines. Ok...I went to look at the view from above and expanded the map a bit and thought that
  25. I have posted a series of screenshots over on FS Snaps. They all have 'Simworks F-4B' in the title. I hope that you all enjoy them. Regards Martin
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