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Mutley Crew
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Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. With no tea party, we were able to fulfil a rush order for 600lbs of frozen prawns down to Rochester (my childhood stomping ground). This left very little room for niceties (paper doilys, fuel...), so we had to endure the low fuel warning binging at us right from taxi out (very disconcerting it is too. RW I once had the low fuel light come on just as I was coasting out to cross the Channel -- and not at the narrowest point -- definitely a buttock-clenching moment!) We've got an onward cargo to deliver to France tomorrow. It's another biggie, and I'm not convinced we have the range (at least n
  2. If you d/l the Twin Pioneer (and probably others) from http://www.classicbritishfiles.com/ you'll see exactly that instrument. In fact there's a panel shot on the front page.
  3. Well. the plane is back at base. We found a back haul just up the loch at Oban (another distillery town :wootmesalia: ). 500lbs of... cabbages! Unfortunately, it seems our inaugural Sunday Tea Party flight has had to be postponed. We still only have the one plane, and what with the chooks and cabbages, it rather needs cleaning. (Would you consider a tea party inside something that stinks of chicken sh-- and cabbages? :o )
  4. I don't think it helps when the crash takes down your PC though.
  5. Surprised they have to close it for a week though. Renumbering the runways is something most airports have to do from time to time, and it's not as if it would have caught them by surprise. Unless they've decided to resurface at the same time...
  6. Cosmetics eventually turned up in Doncaster (Seems that Smudger doesn't read so well in the dark, and had filed for Leeds, causing confusion all round!) Oh, and we got hit with a massive "FS Crash relocation" fine, which ate a good chunk out of the profits. As a result, we are taking several crates of Bernard Matthews finest chooks up to Islay. I'm hoping to get a back haul, but I won't hang around waiting -- Islay is well known for its distillery, and I'm not sure Smudger can be trusted in reaching distance of a single malt...
  7. I can't explain, but FS crashes are costing me a lot of money too AH seems to make FS significantly less stable, and in my case has resulted in 3 power off resets. Just from two flights! I'm considering relocating it on the Lan, to see if that helps (oh, and the fact that it insists on starting maximised on my 5040 wide screen is driving me nuts! :mad: )
  8. Just need to find a Gazebo company, and we can operate in all weathers... :icon_rockon:
  9. The Guided NAAFI Haulage Company and tea Shoppe is proud to open its doors to all and sundry. From its base at the back of the Hangar 8 facility in Kidlington, The Guided NAAFI will be spreading cargo and teas[*] across Europe and ultimately the world. Our fleet of one Cessna 172 might not look like much from the outside, but it's roomy, has great load carrying capacity, recent annual, and a CofA that doesn't expire till October. There are also no outstanding ADs (we hope). Our new Chief Pilot is ex Spitfire-Ace 'Smudger; Smudgerson ('Smudge to his mates). Smudger has an astounding 72 kills[
  10. Romneys. Rams typically 200lbs, ewes 140... 200lbs is not that unusual for a sheep - they ain't exactly small. Not that I'd have any reason to know!
  11. Sounds interesting, but my current i7 rig has to last me until at least 2012!
  12. If the "SF260" was the yellow plane from the aero club site, it's a PAZMANY PL-2, homebuilt. http://www.airplane-pictures.net/image99718.html Get yourself round there; make your face (and mutt) known; offer to do chores for flying, and people will take you up (literally) on it. Most pilots like a bit of company, and a right seat can often be had just for the asking once your face is known.
  13. You put four 200lb sheep in the back of a 172? :icon_yikes: I'm surprised it even got off the ground! (You'd have been 70lbs over max weight even with no fuel. Or Kenny!) And the CofG must have been way outside limits (hope your insurance doesn't get to hear of it!) But then if you have a 172 that's that strong, you'll have no trouble in flying me a patio... :hi:
  14. Reminds me of the old Bob Newhart 'Grace L Ferguson Airline and Storm Door Company' sketch!
  15. Turn your radio off and squawk 7600 (the code for Radio Failure). ATC will expect you to fly your filed flightplan. Of course, once you get on the ground, there will be "paperwork", but that's another matter... (I don't believe native FS handles any of the emergency squawks, but Radar Contact might)
  16. I don't think so -- if 10 pilots register, that's ten times more word spreading than one 'team', after all Mutleys will appear ten times in the roster if nothing else. I don't personally want to fly just one leg of a relay (or a DC3), so I shall enter in my own right. If I'm still permitted to fly under the Mutley flag on that basis, then I shall.
  17. Ok, so now I'm confused. There's only going to be a single entry, being "the team", and we're not individually entering? That seems a very odd way of doing it, and from my perspective rather defeats the point of the rally. It also reduces the team's visibility, since there's only one "participant", rather than a whole bunch of pilots wearing Mutley's Hangar colours. You don't see DC-3 Airways, or Bluegrass etc "hiding" behind a single entry, and I don't think we should either. To me, that is not participating. I'll happily fly the Mutley flag, but I don't want to fly anonymously inside some '
  18. Please be bothered. The test flight is used to calculate the handicapping and it needs to be accurate, otherwise you will just lose yourself (and the team) lots of points.
  19. I'm not instrument rated, but this is how I understand it. "Minimum Safe Altitude" for IFR flights is considered to be 1000ft above the highest obstacle within 5nm either side of track, rounded up to the nearest 100ft, or 2000ft above the highest obstacle in mountainous terrain. Where no obstacles are shown on the chart, the "highest obstacle" is considered to be 300ft, since aviation charts normally only show obstacles taller than 300ft. Thus your MSA will be the highest terrain point + 300ft (or charted obstacle, whichever is higher), rounded up to the nearest 100ft, + 1000 ft. (or +2000ft
  20. In no particular order: Plan-G to know where I'm going Absolutely any RealAir aircraft Horizon photo scenery for UK Earth Simulations scenery for the detailed twiddly bits Orbx scenery for US/Oz Whatever scenery I can get for anywhere else Carenado aircraft (competent, but get a bit samey after a while) Rex2 Overdrive Active Sky (for Weather - still the best) TripleHead2Go for wiiiiidescreen TrackIR5 to go where you're looking Flight Illusion for some gorgeous if pricey hardware instruments
  21. I was poking around the cbfsim site earlier, and I think my lead contender at the moment is the DH104 Dove. I definitely want to fly something British, since back in the Fifties we still had an aircraft industry... (GAAR requires aircraft from the 30s-50s) The prime requirement I have is that the plane must have a VC (with a TH2Go, stretching a 2D panel across 5000 pixels is a non starter!), and unfortunately that knocks out a lot of otherwise good freeware aircraft.
  22. I'm pretty sure you can't fly it as a relay -- once you miss a leg, you're considered retired. The way it works if you enter as a 'VA' is that the points from all your members are counted towards your team score: Think Team championships in F1. Aaaarrrgghh! Nothing wrong with the DC3, but there must be more DC3s enter GAAR than are still flying RW! In fact, there are so many DC3 pilots fly this thing, that anything that ISN'T a DC3 is a real breath of fresh air. There's also no compulsion or requirement for everyone to fly the same aircraft.
  23. Is that herbal remedies, or "Herbal Remedies"...? :th_smiles73:
  24. I did it several times, a few years ago, and it was great fun. Love to do it again under a Mutley's flag. What are people intending to fly?
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