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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. It is shocking Mut Theo, you're right. I didn't know about the crash until the Six One (RT
  2. :dance2: back! AA have sent this 707 from America to France to be presevred as an airworthy exbibit. We join the crew at Heathrow Taxi checklist complete Taxi P&H Cleared for take-off V1, Rotate V2 Gear up Climbing into the London airr The baton's been here before............. Dumping fuel - we wanted to get BAA to pay for us as much as possible - so we have 100% fuel, 15 different 5 corce meals, the lot! Just into France Descending into Le Bourget Gear is down with flaps Landing Rollout Final few feet Engines shut down, doors ope
  3. Hi Mut! Brilliant shots you have there, but it's bright sunshine here! Kieran
  4. Hi Rob! Brilliant shots there - is the pushback tug good? Kieran
  5. OK Mick. In my layman's terms, from the start 1. Go to the RTE page 2. Enter the 4 letter codes into the departure and arrivial airports 3. Press the EXEC button I'll find out the rest a bit later for you! Kieran
  6. Thanks guys! Steve - I had orginally planned this flight for a HJG 707, that was before I bought the 707, and it might have been the HJG one if I had not got the 707 installer to work! The HJG ones are very nice, I might have one or two of the earlier ones (707-120) or the prototype 707-700 Kieran
  7. Well done Rob, it is a ATR72-500! Over to you! And yes Garath, G-JEDP is a Dash 8-Q400, but I found a very nice set of textures for it! Kieran
  8. Brilliantly composed there Garath! Kieran
  9. Brilliant shots there Rob, well done! Kieran
  10. BAA were kind Mut, I showed them the baton and they paid for it!!! I don't know Dai, looked at a real 707 reg from BOAC on G-INFO and it doesn't say what engines it has! Kieran
  11. Hi all! :mrhappy: to my first ATWC II Leg! For this leg, we will be travelling in 2 differnent 707's in 2 diferant time periods! So, we are in the 1690's, using a British Overseas Airways Company Cargo 707-320 So, parked up at Shannon Enignes have rotateed P&H Ready to go, full power Rotated Gear up Turning off runway heading Me Dave I'll let the pics do the talking! Full landing config Touchdown! Reverse Thrust Parked Part 2 will come soon! Kieran
  12. Brilliant shots there Mut! Remind me, never to bid for a leg that's after Mut's! :mrhappy: Kieran PS : Baton has arrived in Le Bourget, after a slight de-tour...................
  13. Beutiful edit there Mut! Need to look at the ATWC forum! Kieran
  14. Beautiful edit there Rob! Kieran
  15. PMDG 737-8AS A bit of cheating going on here, I have the 600/700! And Ryanair operated EI-DAR, which is now a 737-8AS/W! Kieran
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