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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. Hi all After my recent screenshots, many people have told me to get better screenies you need to turn up/down your AA settings. The problem is, I don't know what AA settings are and where I find them. Can anyone help me?? And is this request in the right forum? Kieran
  2. Hi all Here's an iFDG Aer Lingus A320 just ot of Dublin (FS2004) : Kieran
  3. It was only a standard screenie copied into paint and I don't know how to edit screenies!!! Kieran
  4. No, I didn't have the sound off and the Cessna dosn't have the terrian alarm!!!!! Kieran
  5. Yeah, I was a bit too low but I survied!!! Kieran
  6. Hi all again Been flying on the first default mission in FSX (Skita Sunset?). But my landing was messed up by this idiot :sleep: Kieran
  7. Hi all Been flying in FSX. This flight is from Saint Maarten to Heathrow. This is the sunset I had while flying : Kieran
  8. Great post. I see you didn't get held up by the BA777 then :good Kieran
  9. reef Great shots. The train isnt a Pendolino, its a Gatwick Express Class 460 Continue the great work Kieran
  10. Simi You lucky devil - any chance of diverting a AN-124 from EGNX to UBBB to inclued EIDW (Dublin)??? Kieran
  11. Yeah, that reminds me of we I went down to see the lovely bird. Must do a full flight in her (Antonov - East Midlands anyone?) Kieran
  12. Hi all Just to let you all see the wonderful Antonov AN-124-100M by Thomas Ruth and Alex Kvitta under FS2004 Antonov AN-124. Panel is from somewhere else as I can't remember it at the moment :sadblinky: :poster_oops: (EDIT : File name ca124pl.zip) So here we go : Flying On the ground with that huge door open And finally the panel Hope you enjoyed my flight in the AN-124 which is over 25 years old! Kieran
  13. Cheers Mutley but I've found some on AVSIM Kieran
  14. What scenery were you using as I'm flying the the in the ATWC to Leeds/Bradford? Kieran
  15. Excellent - The aircraft on flight 522 was 5B-DBY, a 737-300 Kieran
  16. Hi all Just to say I've flown under the Tower of London, see attached Did this a while ago, if you ever go down to Tangmere, buy the FS2004 add-on. It's only
  17. What happened in real life??? Kieran
  18. Thanks for that Mutley - she is a real beauty to fly though she gobbles the fuel right up!!!! I've already done one of my legs and it was fine - apart from the scenery!!!!! Kieran
  19. Hi Just been messing about with the JF/LAGO Tornado and here are my results : Blowing up 1 : Blowing up 2 : This is my first time posting screenshots so please bear with me. Kieran (By the way, my reg was AJ-T)
  20. I know!! I put my bid in 1 minute after the bidding started and got my first (and last) flights in the ATWC
  21. Very good - Cool AI traffic like the Spitfires giving you escourt!!! And the Mossies on the ramp! hurricanemk1c
  22. They are quite good the AN-124s, used to see them at EGNX. Saw one take off and it was loud!!!! hurricanemk1c
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