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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. Wine Was going to put sour, then looked what Brett had put!
  2. "A detailed reconstruction of the typical "Southwest Trains" Hmm - it's a reversed Class 450 front on a Class 158 side. And some of the parking at Eastleigh looks a bit out...... Ah well - it's not a train sim!
  3. N447FW - http://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Results.aspx?NNumbertxt=447FW It's real
  4. Nice shots Alan - have you got the latest Viscounts?
  5. I'll just drop this here and see who likes it A snip at $89.99 compared to $296,000,000
  6. Amazing stories - I'm just glad that since then there hasn't been a major world war since then. We owe everything to them
  7. Out of 40,000, 30,000 died roughly - shocking really
  8. Battle of the Atlantic On This Day: 3 September 1939 Six hours after receiving the order to commence hostilities, the first British ship to be sunk by the Germans in WW2 was torpedoed. The passenger liner SS ATHENIA had sailed from Glasgow for Montreal two days earlier and was sunk by U-30 without warning in contravention of international law. Nearly 120 lives were lost. The Battle of the Atlantic had begun on the first day of WW2. The German U-boat Arm had a strength of 57 U-boats and would add a further 1,113 before the end of the war Not aviation but interesting all the same
  9. Geoff, The first thing to do with a zip file is to extract it. Just click on the file, then right click and 'Extract files' to a location. I have a dedicated downloads folder, but you can put it anywhere really. I've just downloaded the zip to have a look what is inside and it's an executable file, like you're used to. Other files (like the TDS 787) may require you copying files across from the extracted zip to the FS folder (Simobjects\Aircraft, Effects, Gauges etc) but the 'Brit' doesn't. Cross that bridge as and when required! Kieran
  10. I would say so Brett - just found that photo on www.airwar.ru
  11. Panhead could be this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harley-Davidson_Panhead_engine And you would be right with biker Carrying on - Hell's Angels
  12. Hi Geoff and welcome to the forums! Since you have been around for a bit, you kinda understand what we are all about (and how crazy we all are!) so I hope you enjoy here as much as I do! Kieran
  13. The Messerschmitt Me 163 A (V4) flew for the first time today in 1941 On this day in 1974, the SR-71 Blackbird broke the record for Speed Over a Recognized Course: New York to London with an average speed of 1,806.964 mph. Maj. James V. Sullivan and Maj. Noel F. Widdifield traveled the 3,461.53 miles in one hour, 54 minutes and 56.4 seconds
  14. Here are my two this month: C-130 dropping in Mountview Valley And a Hunter in the Welsh valleys Kieran
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