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Kevin Firth

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Everything posted by Kevin Firth

  1. Just what I'm doing now, trying a test flight on an unamended new fsx.cfg then will take it from there! Cheers k (Really should do a full reinstall of the whole shebang, OS and everything at some point, but not really in the mood for it right now!)
  2. Well I reset the pagefile, cleared some space on both my W7 and FSX drives, reset a lower LOD radius and updated to the latest 12.8 ATi driver. Now I get the OOM error before I even leave the ground! More investigations needed methinks
  3. Kevin Firth

    GSX or AES?

    GSX has worked for me at every airport I've used it at - its better by far when you can obtain the custom .ini file that controls where everything is placed specifically for every gate and UK2000 for example are certainly good at supplying those, however you can use the graphical editor within FSX to correctly place equipment if the .ini file isn't available. I know AES is being developed as well, but not much else about it to be honest, as I was turned off by having to purchase credits for individual airports so didn't really investigate it much further. Cheers K
  4. Kevin Firth

    GSX or AES?

    Never tried AES myself, plumped for GSX on price and the fact is it continually been developed.
  5. Thanks Joe/birdmanmike I've reset the page file as suggested just need to test it tonight! Cheers K
  6. Did you ever resolve this issue please Joe? I'm having some bad OOM errors at the moment too, with 12Gb and W7 64b Cheers k
  7. Thanks Joe, must just have been a temporary outage I'll check it again when I get back from bonny Scotland! EDIT: KSAN indeed does come through, but I've tried a nuumber of UK airports (EGKK, EGLL, EGGP, EGNX) which bring up a list of charts but the links then all give the following error... There are no contact details for the site that I can find, if anyone has a contact for Daniel or Rahul could you give them a nudge about it please, cheers? -------------------- Website is currently unavailable. This domain is currently unavailable. If you are a visitor, please visit back later. Sorry
  8. I wonder whether this could be something that might be licenced to other sceneries? I've never really been interested in the other side of the pond but this might just tempt me! K
  9. Does anyone know what seems to have happened to the aircharts.org site? The front page comes up for me and allows searching but all the chart links come up with an error message? Cheers K
  10. Is there any way you could use the base map tiles in plan G though as they show elevation data? Cheers k
  11. Hi Ray, I've long been a user of Power Project I noticed having installed the southern scotland scenery yesterday that pylons etc there are somewhat out of alignment...Do you have the current info for power lines in Scotland? I can send you images from the CAA 1:250k charts which show pylon routes across whatever parts of the uk you need if that would be useful? Cheers k
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