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Kevin Firth

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Everything posted by Kevin Firth

  1. Thanks, the mach loop is always good fun, especially in something like the bronco, very maneuverable but also pretty fast. Can't make those type of turns in the Q400 though-just doesnt respond to control inputs as fast, which makes it much harder!
  2. Autogen annotator. Its part of the SDK. There is a cheaper option available to you as well. Just flight are releasing their VFR photographic scenery again with an updated version including buildings and trees. Its being released in volumes and Scotland hasn't been reached yet, so watch out in the future. https://www.justflight.com/product/vfr-real-scenery-nexgen-3d-vol-one-southern-england-and-south-wales?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Just Flight Just Trains Newsletter - October 2018&utm_content=Just Flight Just Trains Newsletter - October 2018+Preview+CID_56dbd3d5969e
  3. 1st option: Use annotator to add autogen to photoscenery. BUT its tedius adding millions of objects manually. 2nd option: Use Scenproc to add huge numbers of autogen objects procedurally. BUT with unpredictable quality. 3rd option: Upgrade to P3D 4 and/or XP11, get orbx TrueEarth. Recommended, but may come with some hardware cost! (Example video below)
  4. why not just disable the rex weather engine and use it with AS?
  5. I helped beta test it. I can attest to a huge amount of effort being put in to get it right. I never had the old FSX lanc so I can't compare them I'm afraid. Now, there are aspects that some might find less than attractive. For the autistic me, I would have liked to see the bomb computer and GEE/Oboe being fully functional modelled systems, and for it to be tacpac enabled. But I think at the pricepoint thats not really to be expected. Aircraft like this have to have some compromises made because there has to be enough of a market for them. I'd pay double for a study level Op Chastis
  6. It is indeed the JF version, external shots are now permitted...:D
  7. The toe brakes dont look particularly reliable though? or is that an optional addon? :p
  8. ignore my news post, only just seen this!
  9. try voxatc as well. has a trial period but also has a uk specific expansion that complies with CAP412 the CAA radiotelephony manual. You can do things like MATZ penetrations that I believe are impossible with other ATC apps. Any atc app will only ever be as good as the data it works with so be prepared to use something like fsAerodata and get accomplished it editing afcad files with ADE, if you want the nost authentic experience!
  10. Quite the contrary Joe, I havent complained or raised any isues with Orbx, for £32 as you say merely the colour corrected PR is worth it. My feedback is regarding the accuracy of the review not the content of the scenery - 10/10 implies perfection and there is clearly room for improvement. No question it is a great product and I'll be buying pretty much anything in the series Cheers K
  11. yes it is good. no it does not deserve 10/10 across the board IMHO * the building autogen placement is NOT 100% authentic, nor are the building autogen types. * vegetation autogen might have been more varied * there are a signifcant number of extrusion bridges actually missing let alone misaligned (look at motorway bridges) * may just be settings for me, but I found the cityscene building area textures were too bright at night * point of factual accuracy - Earth sims did products similarly (but not over such an extensive area) years ago None of
  12. Is something like this what you're looking for?
  13. That was my exact same thought process until I researched it a little. Worth mentioning the comment below that SWS posted on youtube as well. I am finding the VRS Superbug VERY up to date, detailed and worth looking at. The Aerosoft F14 extended has me in a weird do I like it or not kind of holding pattern? The a/c feels quite a relic in the cockpit (well it is I suppose!) not at all what I was expecting.... Either way, there looks to be coming soon a new realism to carrier flights K Highlighted reply SimWorks Studios 1 day ago (edited)
  14. Not sure how I missed this before but thanks, and not only because one of Eillithias schoolfriends is being treated for bone cancer (at 5) I'll be making a donation....
  15. Thats exactly what TrackHat do. Their kit is modular so if you already have a Sony playstation camera you can just buy the headset attachment.
  16. Absolutely stick with TrackIR if you have it and its working. If you're new to head tracking or need a replacement then TrackHat is very much worth a look. The documentation says it will work with anything TrackIR does. I cant independently verify that as I only use it with P3D, but youtube shows it being used in varying other platforms including XP.
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