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Saw this and thought of Dai

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Hey guys,

After spotting this crate and what with Dai and Joe often joking about his tractor i just assumed he actually has one (I could be way off the mark :yes: ) although he is often not happy about my grass being long so maybe its a farmer thing :shock: Anyhoo, here is just about as close to a tractor i have ever seen but with wings. Brace yourself Dai, i purposely did not cut the grass :dance2:




And here is just an off topic shot rather than a new post (still trying to cut down my forum flooding)


Critiques fire away...


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Now. I really wish you would flood the forum as much as you want.

Your shots are absolutely bloody amazing, and there is no reason you should cut down since i believe we all love seeing them!

They are just so real, its kinda un-natural!

And that 747.

Well...I think it is most definatley one of the best shots i have ever seen.

The reflection is bloody amazing.

Usually i could pick a little fault, but on these.

They are just perfect.


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Great shots Steve, I just love the first!!

As the guys say you could never post too much :dance2:

I don't think Dai would approve of the second being all organic :yes:


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Thanks, Steve - made my day! :dance2:

On the spraying front, I find GM crops more worrying - but go easy with the Agent Orange (and dilute to taste!! Ed)

BTW, Steve - let me know when you need the topper....

Cheers - Dai. :yes:

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