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Hi all, I am fairly new to flight simmimg, (about a year) and am enjoying it, I fly mostly A2A C172, but have very recently purchased Majestic's Dash 8. This looks a really helpful group and am e

Nice try Brett....  With google translation, you just asked him to go home ! 

Perhaps we should leave the French translations to you Loic!

  • 1 year later...

Hello from Colin.

I'm an extremely enthusiastic flight simmer that goes back to DOS 5 and an Amiga 500 before that ... I'm pretty much disabled now but worked in the North Sea oil industry for as long as I could, along the way I learned to love aviation, thanks in many parts to my late Dad's RAF tours ... I've had some first hand experience flying light aircraft locally here, but nothing (for me) brings the whole experience closer than what current and future flight sim tech on our PC's can do ... and that's why I'm here.


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Hi Colin,

Welcome to our friendly forums, don't forget to put your pin in our members map (Click on Members in the menu bar then Member map) Brian needs a few neighbours!

You are in good company here, a lot of us have 'history' with flightsim and also enjoy it for the extra lease of interest it gives us.

I hope you enjoy your time here don't be afraid to join in and ask questions.



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Captains


My name is Ayrton and I just registered now.


I'm happy to join the crew...


I'm retired Brazilian Navy helicopter pilot and I enjoy flying FSX and making videos of my flights.


Thanks for the chance to become part of this Forum.


Cheers from Brazil



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Hi Ayrton, welcome to the site. :welcomeani:  I think you will find a great bunch of folks here that share the same interests and you will fit right in. Looking forward to seeing some of your videos or maybe even hearing some real world flight stories if you feel so inclined. Enjoy your stay.

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Welcome Ayrton, a truly famous Brazilian christian name!

I hope you enjoy your time here, please join in, you are amongst friends here and if you want to share or ask for help please shout! 

Regards.. Joe

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Hi Ayrton! Great to have you with us - and a real rotorhead, too! :thum:

Look forward to seeing your videos...

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

Much appreciated, guys


Dai is the one who invited me to take a look here and I, sincerely, appreciate that...


I won't be logged in too often due to other tasks outside home, my wife and I, we volunteer giving a helping-hand with mats, computing and Evangelization to poor kids in the neigbourhood, but whenever I get a free time I'll login to join the party..


https://vimeo.com/ayrtonmb/videos this are the videos I uploaded to vimeo


At moment, I'm working in 2 video-Projects:


Take the Sheik to La Guarda


Navy Ops Torpex - this will be an aircraft carrier with it's support ships been chased by 2 enemy ships... the fleet isn't aware of the wolfpack and will be attacked by surprise; this exercise will provide the High Command with the fleet's ability to react. (This was a real-life exercise I was part of)


I hope you guys may give a little help with the preparation of the video.


Thanks alot for the welcome, guys




Rmk: by the way, when I registered I was willing to have my codename as ''CapBar''   but, for some reason it did not happen... is there a chance to make it happen...!?!?!?



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Hi Ayrton,

I have changed your board name, you should get an email.

Just log in with your new name and old password.



Once again, thanks a lot, mutley 


Got my email ok..



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Hi, CapBar - you look just like that Ayrton guy.  ;)



Once, long time ago, I wondered how would it to be the Ayrton Senna Ace... not too long afterward I was watching Senna driving, uncontrolled into the Monza's concrete wall and die on the spot... it hurts a lot to live those moments...


And my wonders about being Senna... just faded away fast and I'm very happy to Ayrton Menna rather than Ayrton Senna... lol



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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone, I've just joined the forum here and would just like to introduce myself. I have been a flight and aviation enthusiast for as long as I can remember and have been flying sims since the days of F-29 Retaliator and Gunship etc. I now enjoy ,like most here, FSX and all it has to offer. I am especially enjoying my latest purchase which is Air Hauler from Just Flight. I also fly Rise of Flight and Space Shuttle Mission Simulator 2007. I also enjoy Train Simulator 2013 and sub sims such as the Silent Hunter series.  


I also enjoy sharing my screenshots and exploits in the air, on (or under) the sea, the on the rails (and in  orbit :D ) with other like minded communities. I have some sets up on Flickr if anyone is interested at the following URL www.flickr.com/photos/adrians69


It's great to join such a friendly looking community.


Thank you



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:welcomeani:  Adrian,


Be sure to check our our Air Hauler forum and share your companies fortunes, looking forward to seeing your screenshots too.


Have fun!




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Hi Adrian,

Welcome to the site. You have certainly found the correct place to do all of the above since there are many folks here that share the same qualities. It will be a pleasure to see your screenshots and hear about your trials and tribulations in AHauler. I like that sunset shot you made(SH4 sunset) :thum:  Check out the monthly screenshot competition too, it looks like something you might enjoy. 


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Hi Adrian,

Welcome to the site. You have certainly found the correct place to do all of the above since there are many folks here that share the same qualities. It will be a pleasure to see your screenshots and hear about your trials and tribulations in AHauler. I like that sunset shot you made(SH4 sunset) :thum:  Check out the monthly screenshot competition too, it looks like something you might enjoy. 


I'll check that out. You can't beat a great screenshot. thanks for the welcome. :D

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Welcome aboard, Adrian. I think you'll like MH and the AH forum in particular. We have a pretty motley (Mutley?) crew of AirHaulics.



Thanks John,


Enjoying myself here already!  :thanks:

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone. I just joined this forum today but have been a long time visitor to MH, especially the reviews section. My old computer couldn't handle FSX, mainly due to the OOM error, so I had to give up on it a year ago. That same computer fried it's motherboard a month ago so I was forced to invest in a new rig which, happily for me, runs FXS just great. So here I am, diving back into it and currently loading up on scenery. All free stuff for now until my wallet has recovered from it's computer-buying ordeal.


Flying has always been my thing. I was in the Brit Army Air Corps many years ago in a previous life (groundrew, not aircrew :( ) so flight sims are how I get my fix now. Though I have 3 airfields pretty close to me where I can go to watch the real deal when the mood takes me. Otherton - LSA,  RAF Cosford - Airforce and aviation museum and  Wolvehampton - GA. Anyway, I look forward to joining in on the chitchat here but for now I've waffled enough so I'll bugger off and leave y'all in peace for a while :)

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