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FS Flying School

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Hi all,


I was wondering if any of you use or have used FS Flying School? It looks appealing to me being new to flight simming and flying in general.


I feel I have outgrown the lessons in FSX, and to be honest some of them are unrealistic so I was wondering if something like this would be my next step to becoming a competent pilot?



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I haven't heard of any really negative things about it, I would think it would depend on how much you have learned so far and what this program has to offer. The things I have heard about is that it starts off like you are a total beginner to flying and flight sim in general, the instructor can also make a lot of repetitive comments but that can be good or bad depending on your level of expertise. I think there is an option to turn of some of this off but can't be sure.


Have you tried the demo out yet?

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I'm curious if you are referring to the tutorial missions in the flight sim... Or the flight school within the flight sim with regards to what you outgrew? I looked briefly at the flight school inside Microsoft Flight Simulator and it looked pretty comprehensive. I plan to explore the instrument landing lessons more thoroughly when I can get myself less distracted with new freeware airplanes.

Have you tried those lessons?

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If you're into reading, there is a fantastic book written by actual pilots called "Microsoft Flight Simulator X for pilots Real World Training".

That is what I used when I first started out and it taught me everything from NDB's to VOR's, how to fly an ILS and so much more. It starts you out with the Piper and takes you through single and twin engines to commercial flying and teaches how to handle stalls and emergncies, navigation and just about everything you can imagine. It even comes with movies and flights to download from the website. I still reference the book 7 years later. The authors are West ans Cummings and it is published by Wiley if you can still get it. Www.wiley.com

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I recommend this book:




Get your hands on a copy as it has been teaching people to fly for 70+ years. Don't even think about trying to pronounce the author's last name. Just remember: the elevators control the speed. The throttle controls the altitude.


Can't comment on FS Flying School.

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I second Quickmarch's recommendation of Stick and Rudder and am surprised it isn't required reading before allowing someone to sit in the left seat.  I first read it after getting my private license and it was an eye opener.  Reading it gave me a much better understanding of the mechanics of flight and why the flight instructors harped on certain things.  Get a copy and read it before buying anything else.

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FS Flying School has some great features, but I stopped using it after a while, because they peed me off updating it every few months and bombarding me with repeated emails for 24 hr only upgrade offers. Then they require you to have the latest version to use newer addon packs but only offer a pathetically small discount, so the costs just racked up and up. In the end I got sick of it and binned it off :( When I upgraded from FSX completely to P3D they did give me a great value licence swap though to use :)

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Thanks for all your feedback guys.

Matt: I have only been flying the basic missions in FSX, I was not aware ther was a flight school so I will take look.

Richard: I have ordered that book due to othe recommendations so I hope it is as good as people say.

John/Pete: never heard of your book so I will take a look.


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Hmm... mixed blessings KF :)

Yes indeed, I think ultimately the comparison with my weather engine Opus was in my mind.

This isnt a fanboy post, just it contrasted for me that Opus is being always updated for free with new features and enhancements...and FSFS was regular updates, but always at a cost, and with irritating emailed selling tactics...

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Mike, I have a copy of the book, if youre interested? Having to downsize my bookshelves as Im moving house... :P


Thanks for the offer Kevin but I have ordered and paid for the book from Amazon so a little late now. Good luck with the move, we are in the same boat and should be in our new home before Christmas.



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Mike, I have a copy of the book, if youre interested? Having to downsize my bookshelves as Im moving house... :P


If you're looking to lighten your bookshelf, happy to help with that. Are you going to Cosford? If not PM me and I'll organise some dosh.

Re Flying School, I bought it a few years back and its great for testing approaches. You can set it to random and practice approaching at any time of day, at any airport and with or without aids. Its not the same sort of challenge as the fsx missions as you still need to plan a route to be marked on it, but I like having someone next to me critiquing... I would give it a thumbs up, but I would say I dont use it that often. Its more of a piece of software I use if im in the mood.

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yep will be there on sat, and overnighting in the Telford Ramada on fri night.. :) I'll bring it with me... k



Will be great to see you again! After all, it was your personal recommendation that prompted me to join the Hangar in the first place  :thum:

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If you're into reading, there is a fantastic book written by actual pilots called "Microsoft Flight Simulator X for pilots Real World Training".

That is what I used when I first started out and it taught me everything from NDB's to VOR's, how to fly an ILS and so much more. It starts you out with the Piper and takes you through single and twin engines to commercial flying and teaches how to handle stalls and emergncies, navigation and just about everything you can imagine. It even comes with movies and flights to download from the website. I still reference the book 7 years later. The authors are West ans Cummings and it is published by Wiley if you can still get it. Www.wiley.com


Well I have to say I am working my way slowly through this book and so far it is a great read and learning tool. I have just gone back to the first lesson as I have just been bought a set of rudder pedals so I wanted to go over the rudder control section again whilst flying the cub.


I am very busy with other things at the moment so I am not getting in the amount of flying hours I would like but when I do the book is a great help.



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