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Leg 41 - Tucson Intl (KTUS) - Pecus Mun (KPEQ)

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Just before Continental Airlines merged into United to create the super United airline, they quitely restored a series 800 Viscount. This particular Viscount, N247V, was the 389th Viscount to be built. It first flew on Wednesday, 23 July 1958 at the Vickers plant at Weybridge, Surrey, England powered by Rolls-Royce Dart 525 engines, as a V812 series Viscount. Delivered on 20th August of that year, it served Continental until 9th April 1967 when it was sold to Channel Airways in the UK. Re-registered as G-AVJL, it eventually ended up in Indonesia and touched down early during landing, destroying the nose gear and the aircraft was scrapped. (More information here - http://www.vickersviscount.net/Index/VickersViscount389History.aspx)


Anyway, back to the story


Just before the merger, Continental managed to get another V812 Viscount up and running at Tucson International Airport and painted it up as N247V. They wanted a ferry pilot to get it to the Pecus Municipal Airport for sight-seeing trips around the place, allowing people to use the massive windows without using a modern aircraft. I sort of ended up flying the leg, which was convenient for me and the Baton.


Parked up - I like the VW van at the back!




Glancing over the cockpit. No GPS has been fitted, so it looks like classic VOR-to-VOR flying with ATC IFR rules




I know I haven't flown it for a while, but there's no need for the fire engine!




Pushback approved




The start-up order for a Viscount is 4-3-1-2. That allows the quickest access to the passenger door in case of fire




Pushback complete, looks like we're following that MD-80 out




As it is technically a test flight, the baton carrier is the only 'passenger', actually flight test recorder




Holding short. The Darts have plenty of power in them, so taxiing can be a problem




Setting up the autopilot as we get clearance to go




Up, up and away!




Climbing upwards




Passing over E95 (Benson Municipal Airport). Looks like we are a bit south of the planned route




A classic wing view from a classic airliner




Sharon popped along for the trip. The cockpit door remained locked.......




Looks like we are about at the CIE VOR. There was no real need to head for this VOR, but CIE to me means Córas Iompair Éireann (Transport Authority of Ireland)




Turning south




A nice quiet cockpit




Passing overhead El Paso International - a useful diversion point




The 'quiet' bliss of four Darts is interrupted by ATC as we get vectors inbound




Going down with the sun




Runway in sight. Now a landing at an airfield with no active ATC. Who's idea was it to base the Viscount here?




Gear down with flaps travelling




A little bit ropey on the descent




But we get down quite nicely with only a touch of wheel squeal




And finally parked up to allow more work to carry on. They must hve a job lot of those VW's.....




Over to you Steph!


Aircraft used: Aeroplane Heaven / Just Flight Viscount 800

Skyvector, Routefinder and Plan-G used for flight planning

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Itching to go were you Kieran, I didn't even have time to put up the new departure board  :thum:


Great looking plane that, and the VW-bus really adds to the over all look and accurate feel of it!


Great to see Sharon back in the Challenge as well!

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