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How to start a fire on a plane in flight?

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This may seem strange but I would like to start a fire on a plane whilst it is in flight so I can then have a reason to use the ejector seats at a time of my choosing.


I can set a fire to start using FSX's Failures screen but it will only come on after a preset time, my flying is not that good that I can be sure of being in a particular place at a pre-arranged time, so I would like to fly to a pre-set spot, press a key combination and cause a fire to start.


Any suggestions as to how this coukd be done?


Thank you,



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FSX -> Top Line Menu -> Aircraft -> Failures -> Engines -> Fire


Check the "Failed" box; leave the rest of the line blank.  Click back to FSX for instant gratification.  The "failed" box puts in a hard failure, not a random or time-dependant one.


I strongly recommend you do not book a vacation at Sharm el Sheik, Egypt anytime soon.



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Thank you all very much for your informative suggestions, no plans to visit Sharm just now. 


I apologise for the tardy response but I have just moved the PC over to Win 10 (updated version) from Win 7 and discovered FSX wants Dx9 to run, the newly installed Win10 verson is Dx 11.2.


As you have already worked out no Dx9 = a black screen and request for Dx9.  When I downloaded Dx9 from MS and tried to install it i was told Dx9 only works from Win XP to 8.1.


Not sure what to do now.


Open to suggestions,


Thank you,



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Wow Clive, there must be a way, I am using Win 10 now and it's ok.


How about installing the latest video drivers then deleting FSX config and let it rebuild when  you restart it. Obviously copy the old one first. Alternatively invest n Steve's X10 fixer and enjoy better performance and reliability.




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The fixer is a good thought; I looked at it once but the install instructions looked a bit too complex, do you know if they have been simplified?  i.e. is it simple to install?


The PC which is not happy is my second machine which is my test PC; if that is happy I move to my FSX PC which has all my add-ons on (planes, scenery etc) it.  I am terrified that if I move that from Win7 to Win10 I will be in deep clag.


I have tried John's Starting Fire sequence; it really works and is very realistic; I was most impressed and seriously concerned for the pilot.  I am now looking for ways to make it into a macro so I can start a fire with my joystick (in the plane, if you see what I mean).


Thanks for the good idea,



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Take a look again at the DX fixer, from what I remember I accepted all the recommended/default  actions.


It backs up your settings before installing so you can always revert.


Have a look at Brian's review, it really helped me get it running... http://www.mutleyshangar.com/reviews/bc/dx10/dx10.htm




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Thank you for your help. 


In the end I decided to uninstall FSX and run FSX Steam.  However, I then found that it would not close down properly, I had to use Task Manager.  When I looked in the C drive I discovered I had a set of FSX files in the SteamApps folder and another set in my C\FSX folder so my attempts at uninstalling from my C Drive using CCleaner had not worked which was probably why Steam was confused.


I have now puzzled out how to go back to Win 7 and am now running FSX in this OS.  In Win 10 there is a claim that you can "roll-back" back to a previous set up.  I think that MS have recently released an update which means this is not as straightforward as before.  Certainly, the videos on rolling back on YouTube do not agree with what I saw using the most recent update, but the YouTubes are dated August and the new update was released in November.


As a final comment, when I was back in Win 7 I looked in my C drive and to my surprise saw a folder which I had created in Win 10.  I understood that all non-WinOS folders etc would be removed during the re-install process.  I was clearly wrong.


Again, I appreciate your help,



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I believe, but am not 100% certain, that the rollback option from Win10 is on a 30-day clock.  After that times out you're stuck with it.


I'll get Win10 when I buy a new computer.  They can keep their free upgrade.



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I believe, but am not 100% certain, that the rollback option from Win10 is on a 30-day clock.  After that times out you're stuck with it.


I'll get Win10 when I buy a new computer.  They can keep their free upgrade.




The above is true, unless of course you have a Windows 7 installation media and are willing to do a complete re-installation of Windows.

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I think you are right about the 30 day "roll back".  BUT, the latest upgrade seems to have its own mind when it comes to rolling back.  The impression I have is that Win10 (before the big November upgrade) will handle FSX properly.  But the post November update is a very different animal and during the update process old files seem to be "improved" with serious consequences for FSX.


In my case I found I had lost Dx9, and despite saying I did not want to save any files or folders i.e. I wanted a clean HD I had all the old files still present in my C drive.  I then tried to roll back (about 2 or 3 days after the first install) thinking I would go back to Win 7 and found I had gone back to Win10, with all my old folders still present.


As stated previously, I have returned to my shell and am staying with Win7; I expected to spend forever installing updates following a new install and was very surprised that it only took a couple of minutes.  I guess all the previous updates have been consolidated into a few new files.


If you are going to move to Win10, I would wait a while and keep this website handy http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109


It is the MS site where you can download the DirectX repair tool.


I have also seen a post that the author of FSRecorder is not going to modify this program for FSX STeam so this may be another reason to let sleeping dogs lie.


Good luck,



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