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What a night I think, I'm going to lose my drivers license and all just because of a stupid police officer... The conversation went like this, when I got pulled over in my truck: Officer: "Li

My neighbor knocked on my door at 2:30 AM. Can you believe that? 2:30 AM! Luckily for him, I was still up playing my bagpipes.

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As I read these quips I at first blanched, my eyes glaze over, my teeth grated, my brain started to caramelize and they make me want to dash to the toilet. I feel I need knead to cut in and tell you guys to beat it or at the least cool it or you all, except James :P  will be beaten or wipped depending on your quip level. :D  

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As I read these quips I at first blanched, my eyes glaze over, my teeth grated, my brain started to caramelize and they make me want to dash to the toilet. I feel I need knead to cut in and tell you guys to beat it or at the least cool it or you all, except James :P  will be beaten or wipped depending on your quip level. :D  


Wipped  :woot: "Vision"  Blond blue eyed long legged big busted friendly sort of girl..  :cloudnine:   more more more more more more more more more more  oh oh that's enough  :D 

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As I lay in my new girlfriend's bed, I noticed four lines carved into the headboard. 

Thinking that she also used the five bar gate scoring method I said "Is that how many men you've slept with?", I asked

"Yes", she replied, "One thousand, one hundred and eleven."




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Here are some texting codes for us more mature folk.


ATD At the doctors


BMF Best mates funeral


DFTIP Dont forget the incontinence pants


HGBM Had a good bowel movement


WTL Where's the lubricant


WTHMT Where the hell's my teeth



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When I said, "Alright, that's enough rogering for tonight- time for you to get some sleep," my young son gave out a little whimper.


As I crept out of his darkened room, he began to weep.


I turned back and sternly whispered, "Don't be such a wimp. We can play with the walkie-talkies again tomorrow."

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A policeman stopped me as I walked out of Curry's today.


He said, "Before I perform a search, do you have anything sharp in your pockets?"


I said, "No mate, just Sony and Panasonic."

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Testicle Therapy 
Two women were playing golf.  One teed off and watched in horror as her ball headed directly toward a foursome of men playing the next hole. The ball hit one of the men. He immediately clasped his hands together at his groin, fell to the ground and proceeded to roll around in agony.

The woman rushed down to the man, and immediately began to apologize. 'Please allow me to help. I'm a Physical therapist and I know I could relieve your pain if you'd allow me, she told him.
'Oh, no, I'll be all right. I'll be fine in a few minutes,' the man replied. He was in obvious agony, lying in the fetal position, still clasping his hands there at his groin.

At her persistence, however, he finally allowed her to help. She gently took his hands away and laid them to the side, loosened his pants and put her hands inside.She administered tender and artful massage for several long moments and asked,

'How does that feel' she asked? 

"Feels great," he replied; "but I still think my thumb's broken!"
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True story reported by an English guy who was stopped and asked to give a breathalyzer test.


The English guy lives near Le Bugue in the Dordogne and at the time he was stopped he was as pis*ed as a fart...

The gendarme signals to him to wind down the window then asks him if he has been drinking, and with a slurring speech the English guy replies; 'Yes, this morning I was at my (hic)..daughter's wedding, and as I don't like church much I went to the cafe opposite and had several beers.' 'Then during the wedding banquet I seem to remember downing three great bottles of wine; (hic)... a corbieres, a Minervois and (hic)...a Faugeres.' 'Then to finish off during the celebrations.... and (hic) during the evening ...me and my mate downed two bottles of Johnny Walker's black label.'

Getting impatient the gendarme warns him; 'Do you understand I'm a policeman and have stopped you for an alcohol test'?


The Englishman with a grin on his face replies; 'Do you understand that I'm English, like my car, and that my wife is sitting in the other seat, at the steering wheel?'


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Paddy was in court for being drunk and disorderly.


Judge, 'Were you drunk on the night in question?'


Paddy, 'I was indeed, I was drunk as a Judge.'


Judge, 'No, the expression is. Sober as a Judge, drunk as a Lord.' 


Paddy, 'Oh, sorry m'Lord.'

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A guy walks into a bar and orders a triple scotch.

The bartender pours him the drink and the guy downs

it in one gulp. "Wow", says the bartender, "Something

bad must have happened."

"Yeah it did," he said. "I came home early today, went

up to the bedroom, and found my wife having sex with

my best friend."

The bartender pours the guy another triple shot. "This

one's on the house". The dude gulps it down once again.


The bartender asks "Did you say anything to your wife?

The guy answers "Yea, I walked up to her, told her to

pack her bags and get out!"

"What about your friend?" asks the bartender.

"I looked him straight in the eye and

said baaad dog."

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Three Kid Stories...


One summer evening during a violet thunderstorm a mother was tucking her son into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?" The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. "I can't dear," she said. "I have to sleep in Daddy's room." A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice: "The big sissy."


A six-month pregnant mother of two was preparing to get in the shower when her three year-old came into the room. She said, "Mommy, are you getting fat!" The mother replied, "Yes, honey, remember Mommy has a baby growing in her tummy." "I know." she replied, "but what's growing in your butt?"


One day the first grade teacher was reading the story of Chicken Little to her class. She came to the part where Chicken Little warns the farmer. She read, "...and Chicken Little went up to the farmer and said "The sky is falling!" The teacher then asked the class, "And what do you think that farmer said?" One little girl raised her hand and said, "I think he said:'Holy Sh*t! A talking Chicken!'". The teacher was unable to teach for the next ten minutes.

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Did you hear about the fat, alcoholic transvestite - All he wanted to do was eat, drink and be Mary

I got invited to a party and was told to dress to kill. Apparently a turban, beard and a backpack wasn't what they had in mind.

After a night of drink, drugs and wild sex, Jim woke up to find himself next to a really ugly woman. That's when he realised he had made it home safely.

Since the snow came all the wife has done is look through the window. If it gets any worse, I'll have to let her in.

I've been charged with murder for killing a man with sandpaper. To be honest I only intended to rough him up a bit.

After years of research, scientists have discovered what makes women happy.

Just had my water bill of £175 drop on my mat. That's a lot. Oxfam can supply a whole African village for just £2 a month: time to change supplier I think.

2 women called at my door and asked what bread I ate, when I said white they gave me a lecture on the benefits of brown bread for 30 minutes.
I think they were those Hovis Witnesses.

7 wheelchair athletes have been banned from the Paralympics after they tested positive for WD40

And with tears streaming down my face I swore I'd never visit another Thai
Brothel !!!

Japanese scientists have created a camera with a shutter speed so fast, they can now photograph a woman with her mouth shut.

Little Billy asks his dad for a telly in his room. Dad reluctantly agrees.
Next day Billy comes downstairs and asks, 'Dad, what's love juice?'
Dad looks horrified and tells Billy all about sex.
Billy just sat there with his mouth open in amazement.
Dad says, 'So what were you watching?'
Billy says, 'Wimbledon.'

A woman standing nude in front of a mirror says to her husband,
I look horrible, I feel fat & ugly, pay me a compliment.'
He replies, 'Your eyesight is perfect.'

Wife gets naked & asks hubby,
'What turns you on more, my pretty face or my sexy body?'
Hubby looks her up & down and replies,
'Your sense of humour!

An elderly couple is attending Mass.
About halfway through, the wife leans over and says to her husband,
'I just let out a silent fart; what do you think I should do?'
He replies, 'Put a new battery in your hearing aid.'

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As I stood swaying from side to side at the British Airways ticket desk last night, the guy looked at me and said, "Can I help?"

"Yes," I slurred, unzipping my superman costume and pulling my wallet out, "One ticket to Amsterdam please."

"You're unable to fly, sir." he replied, "You're far too drunk."

I said, "I know mate, that's why I'm getting a plane."

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