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The History Behind Your Username

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I'd just thought I'd post this up, for people to share their anecdotes and background info about how you came up with your username. I'll start things off:

My first name I came up with (registered on another forum) was "fsxplayer." That was WAY too generic, so I asked the admin to change it to "FlyingFalcon." I like the F-16 a lot, and obviously it flies, so... Then I got an inspiration from a guy that called himself "TheDrunkenCabDriver" on YT and on another forum. So I thought, "I could call myself TheDrunkenPilot"! But that would seem a copycat of his idea, and besides, it sounded unlawful, lol. So I came up with "IcedUpPitotTube". I plan to stay with this username for a long time... :biggrin: .

I go with "IcedUpPitotTube" here, and on the AVSIM forums. I go with "FlyingFalcon" 3 other forums. Finally, on the Minecraft forums, I go with "TheCrazyCrafter".

If you see either of those 3 names on a forum, it is most likely me. :)

Share your background info!

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Good idea.

Stu7708 has been around since I first created an online username back in 1997, and I've stuck with it where I can.

Mine is rather simple. The Stu part was my callsign in radio- and morse code practice while I did my military service.

Since Stu is a rather common user name, and was even back in 1997 I just added my birth year and birth month to it.

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Well my username can trace it's way back to the Justflight forums where my username is "JustPlaneSimple". However when I came over to Mutley's Hangar I chose to abbreviate it to "JPS". Simple really :001_th_smiles89: please excuse the pun there :th_smiles73:

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@Joe Your's was pretty obvious, lol. I'm just wondering, how did you get those pics of the dogs wearing aviator caps and goggles and airplane wings? Those were funny.

You mean these?


I save them as I come across them on the net!!

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First, let me just say that I like the wry sense of humor in your name, "IceUpPitotTube".

My name should be pretty obvious for flying enhtusiasts.

SEATAC is simply the abbreviation for Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, also known as Sea-Tac Airport.

I have nenver been to that airport, I just like the name. Also, it's famous for being the airport where Dan Cooper (popularly, but mistakenly, known as D.B. Cooper) released the passengers of the 727 which he had hijacked before the plane took off again and he flew off into history never to be heard from again.

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Not really totally sure why. When I first joined the JustFlight forum back in 2005, I was only 12 or 13 years old. That summer we had been on holiday to Madeira. We flew on a TAP (Air Portugal) Airbius A321 ... therefore TapA321 :)



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Not really totally sure why. When I first joined the JustFlight forum back in 2005, I was only 12 or 13 years old. That summer we had been on holiday to Madeira. We flew on a TAP (Air Portugal) Airbius A321 ... therefore TapA321 :)



Very logical.

P.S. I remember those times when you want to think of a creative and humorous username, but just can't...

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Mine's terribly simple... my username for the computers at my school was wisemanp (Surname plus initial), so that is my name on most online forums.

The other one I use (youtube, for example) is Pacelweb. This goes back a lot further... when me and my brother were young, we had an imaginary company called PACEL which stood for 'Posh And Crabby Enterprises Ltd'. It had many spinoffs such as PACELRail and PACELAir, and also it's web design branch called PACELWeb!

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@RB Wow, you're an employee for Transavia? That must be fun. :icon_thumbup:

It sure is.

I'm doing the work I've always dreamed about.

A/C Mechanic and in the near future I will go back to school for my license to become a Ground Engineer

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Bonjour from France!

Me too! ... just my real name (pas de nom de plume!!)... I have enough trouble remembering all my pin codes, log-in numbers, etc, etc !!

By the way, can anyone tell me how to get promoted from "GROUND STAFF" to "SENIOR CAPTAIN" (at least) on this forum ...... SEE LEFT


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By the way, can anyone tell me how to get promoted from "GROUND STAFF" to "SENIOR CAPTAIN" (at least) on this forum ...... SEE LEFT


I think it's based on the number of posts you've made, so keep posting and you'll get your promotion soon :D

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Mine dates back to game I played when I was 9, i wanted to be called 'alphaboy' but it didnt except that and said how about ACEZBOY, so im like omg omg ily!!! then eversince joining FS forums, i added the '561' at the end.

Very simple really :)

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