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"Right we'll just get this one bedded in and then I want to put a row of English Electric Lightnings in the bed over there against the wall. They will look lovely when they bloom in the spring"

"I don't care if it IS you Harry, Get up for your Grandmother!"

Thanks Eddie, ok have a go with this one..

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"I'm telling you it will work, you guys light 'em and we will let 'em rip."


Brett, I think your caption fits my shot to a   Tee. Well Done Brett so it's over to you. :heat: Phew


Cheers Mike

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Oops.    Just like that. 


One's  Very  Sorry     I did not mean to stick the medal pin in so far.Did it hurt ?


Not to worry Sir, they are not real.



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Nice job guys, got some good chuckles from y'all. A plus was researching the post from Joe where I had the opportunity to read the synopsis of the Backadder shows. Pretty crazy storyline. :D


Never an easy choice but for this one I will have to give the :thum:  to Mike for,


"It's about this big,"


"I've  heard it all before Sir." :yesa:,


as it goes along great with their expressions. Well done Mike and over to you........




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Thanks Brett, it was abit hit & miss if i was going to post that one as you don't know who's watching.


Will post my shot by this Friday.

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