Aerosoft Night Environment Global Region list and Current Coverage Map
(list and map will be updated regularly to reflect our progress)
full view available here
Tallest? It's roof is lower than the Willis (Sear's Roebuck) Tower, but canny architects made its 'superstructure' (or mast) get the total to 1776 feet, and that number/date has a resonance in the U.S., I believe?!?
Nice screenshot, James - is that tickertape in the water? Only joking, Bach!
Hwyl - Dai.
That's a solution too. Anyway, don't ever use the browser pop-ups to update anything, be that java, flash or whatnot. Usually there is a boar inside of those "offers".
Chris - I know exactly what you mean on all counts and totally agree especially re feedback - I'm not surprised folks love the work.
Glad to hear you're here to stay and great going with your brilliant (pun intended) product! Just remember to take a night off now and then...
Well hello Mark and may I be the first to give you a warm to Mutley's. The JF forum was getting a bit bland so I defica defected over here. You'll find them a friendly and bigot big hearted bunch.
And yes there is a lot of tosh on the box on any channel except at late at night and way past my cocoa and bedtime. That's why I'm either here or flying.
Our Best to you and yours, G
indeed Night Environment is a very successful product line,
but it’s not an easy task; and there are allot of competitors (imitators) out there; constantly driving under our efforts,
from a revenue prospective; we are (and will remain) a very attractive low cost add-on,
we rely on volume sales; the more regions we release,
our customer base is increasing daily,
feedback from the community is very good and positive all around; we are definitely here to stay!
lol, im pretty sure Dai was joking
Greenland would be a huge project
i suspect some of you aren't fully aware of what NE delivers
even if Greenland had a single road in it;
we still end up rendering a full Photoreal night texture coverage for the whole country
there are two main parts to NE, the 3D light portion above ground
and the splash; which is not repetitive textures; its one full photoreal night layer
that includes our 3D light splash hand placed on it to match our 3D lights above
these are NEUK's night tiles loaded into TMFViewer
as you can see; its a full ni
Thanks, Sam. Lowering my scenery and autogen settings is something that I prefer to avoid if possible (being a scenery junkie), but recording such a massive amount of detail at anything more than a slideshow level takes a serious amount of power!
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