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Everything posted by mutley

  1. Don't worry Ben, thanks for letting us know, it's better than just keeping us hanging!! Another place another time, check back when you can do a flight. OK, Can anyone else take up the challenge?
  2. Phew I think that's quite tricky David but well done that's what we like. I reckon you won't get a guess until after the first clue :!:
  3. No problem John, I will post another, but I need to get some of my aircraft re-loaded onto FS :mrhappy:
  4. Well done David you are correct. Do you want to do the next one? If so, post the name of the airport above and post a shot of a new location when you can. If not, let us know so someone else can guess and post the next location. I hope the lambing is going well and you've not any malpresentations. Cheers
  5. Cheers Fred, That one is done a and dusted! John, I do believe you were first to get the model, do you want to post a shot?
  6. Here's the next location- Mostly visual clues to start but 2 things to note:- 1. This is the main international airport 2. The shot over the water was only 5 minutes after we took off! Spy satellite view- Approaching a potentially dangerous area.... Addons areFS Global SE and GE Pro. Don't be fooled by the livery :mrhappy: Good luck....
  7. That's a bit harsh Fred :mrhappy: Anyhew! are we talking Lago ?
  8. The choice is yours Ben, can be long or short haul, surprise us :mrhappy:
  9. Ben just let us know where you want to take the baton to, and what aircraft you are going to fly and that should be fine. Don't forget your departure airport must be LGKR and the next leg must be posted in a new topic starting "Leg 6........ "
  10. Wow, that is bad timing. I had to do jury service last year but if was a deferred duty from the previous year that my boss got delayed. I suppose John in your situation you cannot get a justifiable excuse for deferment :mrhappy:
  11. :good Excellent post Joe with some stunning visuals. We were with you all the way and this is a great tribute to your countrymen and our comrades! Well done, I will definitely be looking at this one again. Cheers
  12. Mullet, we've had a few want to do a flight but no-one yet has put their name forward for leg 6 yet. Any offers, or will Mut and his incredible fly machine have to step in :mrhappy:
  13. :mrhappy: Woo Hoo! John that was a tricky one but I really enjoyed getting to the answer with your help. I got the ICAO from here http://www.azworldairports.com/airports/p2275lae.htm it does appear to be the same airport as the co-ords are the same. In fact both return the same result in Google. I wasn't really frustrated it seemed like a good tag for my post :dance: Well I'm off to find another airport, will report back soon. Btw everyone else and I know John doesn't mind me saying this, feel free to join in :blink:
  14. Thanks John, I reckon then the pioneer was Amelia Earhart. ..and the airstrip is Lae Airport, Papua New Guinea AYLA? Again, as I am at work I can't check this out in FS. I must admit I have never been aware of this airport, our WWII history mostly concentrated on the European conflict rather than in the Pacific Basin. Cheers
  15. Nice flight Dave and more outstanding shots, I've never seen you posting better :mrhappy: Nice to see the FP to start and follow your commentary too. A great way to start the day. Cheers
  16. Must be down to me to say...... "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" :mrhappy: I'll have to reload the Phantom and take a few piccies!
  17. Take out the GR4 tornado, swing back the wings and let rip :wink: That's what happens when you can't guess the airport!
  18. I thought it was in Japan too but I can only find 3 airports that fit the name, Oki, Ube, & Yao but non of these fit the bill runway wise.... The other two countries of the axis were Italy and Germany I cannot find anything there either. I thought the Pioneer may have been Emila Earhart to start with then Howard Hughes so like I said before, stumped!!
  19. mutley


    Nice one John :wink:
  20. Hey John, Did some more research and zilch! I don't know about the other guys, my WWII knowledge is obviously not up to scratch, so looking forward to the next clue.
  21. Thanks John, I always wondered why they were there, You learn something new every day :wink:
  22. Hi John, This one has got me stumped :doh I've just spent my lunch hour on Google! Will keep trying though. Cheers
  23. Great pics Joe, I knew you would go Mil! Those water texture are looking good. Which runway did you land on? If it was 17 you would have not been too popular with the locals! Btw the runway at Palermo needs a relaying after that 5th shot :wink: I would love to do the next leg but I know we have a few hopefuls on the side just waiting to tender. Cheers
  24. Hey John, The clues for the Maldives can really give it away, like the highest point any where is only 2.4 metres, a favourite honeymoon destination, flight transfers usually by seaplane, that sort of thing! That sounds good John, no hurry, It's Joe in Australia, Dave in Northern Island! Mind you I haven't seen Joe for a while I'm hoping he is flying leg 5 in the challenge! I sent him a mail but had no reply yet but the time zones are hopefully to blame! Good luck with your errands! Cheers, Mut
  25. Very impressive John! You must either have a database of runways and airports or pictures of every airport in FS9, either way that was quick! So own up which one is it? :wink: Do you want to do the next? Cheers
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