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Everything posted by jaydor

  1. Hi Dai, nice seeing you again, glad you made it. You didn't miss James or Rob as they never showed unfortunately. Rob is unwell at the moment and James must have had his reasons for being able to make it. A shame as it was a great show. Cheers Sorry folks that I missed the show. I was disappointed that I was not able to attend due to some very bad weather conditions and by the time it had cleared it was too late to attend. Never mind I will travel the night before next year and look for the same hotel as Joe (to play him up)
  2. A very interesting journey of your wander around the show Chris. I was disappointed that I was not able to attend due to some very bad weather conditions and by the time it had cleared it was too late to attend. Never mind I will travel the night before next year and look for the same hotel as Joe (to play him up) Again thank you for producing an excellent report..
  3. I may be a little shy about introducing myself to you, as I am a very shy person at heart. So will you please make me feel comfortable..
  4. The new VrInsight FMC 3 to be made available soon: About £450 Will work with most heavies
  5. Enjoyed the flight shame about the rain..
  6. Odd...just noticed this. I just upgraded my comp at a local computer store, getting Win7 Ultimate installed over a reformatted previously Win8 drive...and I am getting the same message popping up in the lower corner of my screen. However my system seems to be allowing updates. ??? Waiting on a call back right now to find out what they actually installed on my machine, because I didn't recieve Install discs nor repair/reboot discs when I got the machine back. I have re-allowed updates and they are downloading OK. I only got this problem after downloading MS Essentials and readi
  7. Maybe I should have rephrased that Chris, I was meaning building wise, sorry..
  8. As you can see by my siggy, I have a lot of MSE. I vfly in 2 camps; for high in the sky I use MSE, but if I fly on a more local flight I use ORBX. Photoscenery at low level ie., below 5000' is a no go area even the Cities series show a flat landscape. But at the end of the day it is always down to your own choice.
  9. Already done Boss last January..
  10. "Tiz the wee McKinnon come home"
  11. On the right side of course:
  12. DDavid Quote: "My lingering memory of the airport's 'facilities' was a hole in the floor and 2 small pads for your feet whist you squatted". And that was the Airport restaurant then Dai?
  13. jaydor

    More Global

    Global 747-8i on a London - Los Angeles working: Feed me: Into the climb:
  14. Global 747 on a Anchorage (PANC) - Atlanta (KATL) cargo working over the Kenai Peninsula:
  15. Poseidon Adventure 2. Just hope it don't sink.. ?
  16. Carenado Phenom 100 Private Charters:
  17. Global Cargo Express out of PANC:
  18. Just watched that Nigel, and my conclusion is that I will only fly with the 787 on a simulator and not in real life. So we can soon see a disaster with this aircraft and cover up upon cover up until the next one and the next finally exposes the truth.. Thank you for posting..
  19. jaydor

    Am Back

    2 shots from this afternoon flights, after 3 months rest: Cardiff - Paris @ FL290: Climbing over Mojave out of LAX for Las Vegas:
  20. I thought you may not come if there is a Yes vote as you will be busy trying on the King of Scotland robes?
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