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Everything posted by simi_av8r

  1. a Russian crate!?!?! What disrespect... I'll have you know that the Russians made some very fine aircraft. However, as a matter of fact no, not Russian this time. We're at Boeing Field remember... :wink:
  2. Hi all, trying to track down a veritable scarcity so it seems - a BBMF add-on (payware/freeware, im not bothered!) for FS9/FSX. Now i know theres JF's excellent BBMF package available, but since its for FS2k2 and CFS2, im rather loathed to say that they probably aren't as advanced as models specifcally made for FS9 (case in point being the awe-inspiring Level-D B767 and PSS B777), especially since we all know that JF make some awesome models. So, does anybody have any ideas where i can get a package, or separate downloads? I've got the MK. III Lancaster 'Mickey The Moocher' in the Wings O
  3. Some cracking shots there Sam, can't fault them at all, lovely aircraft choice and the quality screenies posted have set the bar a notch higher for the N. American leg - great stuff! Dont worry about me rushing in too early, I've got Karate practise tonight (Monday) so will fly KBFI - PANC on Tuesday evening if thats ok...... and we'll start the bets on what aircraft i'll be using this time around (hint: its another propliner!) So, dont delay, get your lounger out and soak up all of the sun whilst you can chaps - see you all tomorrow for teh next leg!
  4. will email as soon as i get a few spare moments - am due for an interview with the Station OC for AFCO Nottingham (:mrhappy:) on 8th May with regards to my application for commissioning and training as a Supply Officer. It also transpires that she's a Supply Officer herself, so Lord help me get my facts right, else i could end up putting the final nail in my RAF career coffin!
  5. Joe (not you Uncle Mut, our Aussie friend) thats really helpful advice, and confirms what I've read on other forums, so thanks for the info!! so, with confirmation of what FSRecorder does, look out in the screenshots forum for my V-Force tribute!!
  6. cheers for the input Joe, its appreciated. I was just thinking along the same lines myself asa few of the sites i've seen it reviewed put it in a very pleasing light. I was actually hoping to use it to do a V-Force formation flight as a tribute using one of the PSS Avro Vulcan's (not sure which variant yet mind), the freeware ALPHA Sim Vickers Valiant and a freeware Handly Page Victor B2/K2 tanker by Kazunori Ito from SimViation
  7. Just looking into using this for FS9 over the next few days. Have been reading about it on the developers website, but have never come across it before, Just wondered if anybody here had used it and had some thoughts. I'd liek to use it to record a flight, then play the recording as AI whilst flying a 2nd flight (and recording that also) and upon completion play the 2nd recording as AI whislt flying a THIRD flight, recording this for final viewing/editing... if you've used it and know how well it works, i'd really like to know! any replies welcome. Simi
  8. i second that, some fantastic images here of an iconinc aicraft. If only the RAF had brought the jet era to us a few years earlier we may never of seen The Battle Of Britain and all the destruction it bought to our great nation! as for what happens next, all i can say is All S&R teams scramble! We've a mayday situation, get that baton before it reaches the murky depths of the Pacific!
  9. as said in my previous post, i'd love to do the Buenos Aires to Falklands leg with the stop over - it would be a fitting tribute to a couple of my relatives who fought for us during the Falklands War 1982 - April to June 2007 being the 25th Anniversary. I've just the aircraft for the leg also, so would really appreciate this. As a further tribute, could i suggest a stop off at Wideawake Aiport on Ascension Island on our way up through Africa?
  10. Hi Joe.... Can i suggest a leg that i'd like to fly personally? i know it says that were not allowed to do this in your post, but it would really mean alot to me. The leg would be: Ministro Pistarini International, Buenos Aires - Argentina (SAEZ) to Mount Pleasant Airport, Port Stanley - Falkland Islands (EGYP) VIA Norberto Fernandez Airport, Rio Gallegos - Argentina (SAWG) then this would open up the possibility of a short hop onward to Antarctica in a light aircraft for somebody else - an FSX flight maybe??
  11. i've got a lovely bird lined up for the next leg i bid on.... and on that note, would it be possible to request a particular leg much later on?? - i'll post it on the control centre thread, obviously
  12. thanks chaps, its great to be involved in such an involving and community spirited group effort - i think a big well done to all is in order, and a huge thank you to our host Joe, a.k.a Mutley, for devising such a scheme! on another note... has anybody else noted that all three legs i've flown have been in prop'd aircraft??
  13. touchdown in Melbourne, Victoria! :roll: :roll: Thats right folks, the baton has landed in Australia and is currently sat within the VIP lounge awaiting collection by our very own JoeEllwood - light up your engines my dear fellow, this baton's raring to head to Kiwi-land!! oh, and before i forget, i managed to dash to the 1-hour foto booth within the terminal to get these developed. Looks like the wing mounted camera worked pretty well on touchdown too! here we are just entering Australian territory a quick forward over-the-wing shot ahh, yes.. err, well this is when we... er...
  14. due to some very annoying bug plaguing my PC as of yesterday afternoon I've been interrupted by no less than 10 crashes since the beginning of this flight early Sunday evening. I'm not bowing out just yet though, and to keep you all whetted for the final stages and baton passing in Melbourne, I'm posting the few pictures I've managed to capture up until now, so without further ado, feast your eyes on this beautiful DC-4 in British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines livery of the early 1960's. there's land in sight and i'm just coming to around 50nm south
  15. Mutley, i think the bar's just been raised higher than most of s could have imagined! some absoleutely awesome shots there mate, just.... :dance:
  16. Well folks, this whistle stop tour of the Pacific is well and truly under way, and we now find our selves on Leg 18 of Mutleys Around The World Challenge - a 1900nm slug from Papua New Guinea's Port Moresby Airport almost due directly south to Victoria and Melbourne International Airport. And the transport for this long trip, well lets just say that it'll be best to sit back and enjoy the ride aboard this magnificent vintage delight see you all in Melbourne!
  17. well... erm... shall we just say i'm sat on the runway already.... jumping the gun i know
  18. lovely sam, just lovely. That livery is simply superb, and shown off at its best - i wish i had a system as powerful as some of those used on here. i agree, Mr Maltby has some awesome packages, and his rendition of the 'Trident' is, like all of his models, freeware of the highest quality - i'd go so far as saying it was payware without the price tag.
  19. good to hear you made it safely down Mut, cant wait for the shots to follow... and since we're now taking bids on the 18th leg, i'll put my hand in first... and i feel that its time maybe to be a little bit nostalgic, i've just the bird
  20. i'm liking the routes proposed there Mut, very challenging, and a fantastic chance for some more classic shots. Also liking the idea of popping over to the Cook islands, that could be a hairy landing in the big metal that's required to get there...!! is it too early to bid for Leg 18? I've been looking at my hangar and have a lovely bird in there begging to stretch her vintage wings :mrhappy: and think that she'd fit in well for a landing at Melbourne..
  21. lovely shot Mutley, and its sparked off a little imagination of my own seeing that. So here's a quick one of the popular Junkers JU-52, this one's wearing the livery of Swiss tour company "Hapimag" and is seen taking a short flight over the Scilly Isles
  22. lovely shots there Dave, i really got into that flight, well done! The PMDG 738 is a lovely bird, and i thought i recognised that re-paint!
  23. thanks for the commets fellas, much appreciated! :nervious: i'm quite happy to accept that offer chris, where do you propose to take your bird? remember, we're going around the world, so east would be a good general direction to follow.
  24. here we are then chaps, after a good 3 hour's of fairly ineventful flight and who knows how many NM's covered, here's Leg 9 completed and the baton rests at Merahbad Intl. (OIII) in Tehran, Iran for for now. Any takers for the 10th Leg? No commentary, I'll let SamDim's breathtaking representation of the Tupolev TU114 do all the talking, and let you all sit bak, enjoy the ride and oogle at the images. Oh, and please try not to get drool on your keyboards!
  25. Well fellas, the baton has been well and truley passed on and is currently En-Route from the Ukraine - Boryspil International Airport (UKBB) to Iran and the capital's (thats Tehran for thos who didnt already know) airport, Mehrabad International (OIII).. so far theres 30 shots, and we're just 1/4 of the way there after a late evening T/O. All shots will be posted together to keep your appetites whetted - also, i'll start taking tendors as of this post, so those happy to take the baton for Leg 10 please step up to the podium!
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