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Everything posted by simi_av8r

  1. not hardware, but definietly worth a mention here for you chaps! Apple released yesterday (12th June '07) a beta of their web browser 'Safari' for both Mac and XP/Vista systems. Since installing it, i have to admit that FirFox hardly gets used...Safari 3.0 boots and loads pages in almost half the time of FireFox2.0, and many times faster than IE7. see the features, watch QT movies of it in use and get the free beta version here.
  2. Hi Dave. im pretty sure that it'll do what you need. from my experience it records all sounds from the current view you're in, ege if in spot view you'll hear the engines and any ATC (FS provided or VATSIM) only, although to record the ATC you have to configure this from the FSRecorder menu in FS itself. In the cockpit you'll hear and record all the normal sounds, and again FSRecorder has to be set up to record the ATC/VATSIM sounds. I've only used it briefly, but it works wonders for formation flying!
  3. heres my ancient rig.. AMD AthlonXP 2400+ (oc'd to 2.1GHz) 1GB DDR-333Mhz ATI 9600Pro 256Mb 160GB 7200rpm + 36GB 10,000rpm WD 'Raptor' And my fps - FS9 only, i can't get anything out of FSX! - When sat in the defalt DC3 at EGNX with UK2000, FSGlobal, FE, GEPro and Actove Sky i get between 6 and 10fps
  4. welcome aboard reef! :mrhappy: please take your seat and buckle up, the trolly dollys will be around shortly with the beverages.
  5. happy birthday Mut, hopefully you'll be getting a rather large bone to go hide in your shed! all the best, simi
  6. er, shouldnt this be in teh Real World forum...?? either way, i'll just add my £0.02 i've also seen this occasionally, but not very often. usually it happens (from what i gather anyway) when there are changing wind conditions, as its always best to take of into a head-wind. Also its been known to happen when airports have noise restrictions placed upon them (e.g. early morning and late night) and such. at my local airport, EGNX, this happens quite often during the autumn as its on top of a large hill, and the winds tend to get up quite quickly. Also, at night all flights come in on Rwy9, wha
  7. milton shupe's old bird - my lord i feel such a plonker for missing that! :sadblinky: and it seems that this bird isnt listed by P&W as carrying the R2800's... also, its very similar to the PV-1 in my eyes... oh well, i'll have to try for the next one :???:
  8. .....hmm, a few more clues are required then it seems!.... i'll take a back seat for now, my boss isn't too pleased im on here so much today!
  9. probably me then that's confused, however here's the (full) list of aircraft sporting the P&W R2800 'double wasp' engines, stright from the mfr's website.... does your aircraft feature in the list?
  10. Hmm, so wikipedia could bee wrong? As far as this (and other) articles go, there aren't any other aircraft that have a similar stabiliser setup as pictured in your last image and use the R2800 P&W's.... so returning to my last post, was it any of them listed???
  11. then it might be the PV-2 harpoon...or its earlier variants the B-34 'Lexington' or B-37
  12. those were just the clues i needed...! It's not the Lockheed Ventura is it?
  13. ok, so, clues time me thinks... we have, i think, two (possibly 3) clues from the image: 1 - its a twin turbo-prop 2 - it has air con. 3 - its Parent company is in California as for the aircraft, i havent a clue, but im sure others can suggest possibles...Martyn, any clues for us lesser mortals mate?
  14. right then, with thanks from Fred here and a few of the [sacrcasm]lovely[/sarcasm] people over at Sim-Outhouse and AVSim i've managed to track down those listed above - so thanks v. much Fred! :wink: :sleep: :mrhappy: Can anybody suggest some that might be missing...? I know for example that the Avro Arrow wasnt mentioned in my previous list - i've now got this from FlightSim.com - but can anybody suggest other British Post-WW2/Cold War jets please... and the SEPCAT Jag will probably be the youngest on the list, so nothing that proceeded this please?
  15. :mrhappy: oops, my bad. Sorry Fred. was speaking to a colleague here called craig when typing! as for the list, many thanks! i'll get searching for those you've suggested. I'll be looking out for updates if anybody else can help. Thanks again Fred!
  16. hi craig, i've actually been and got a few of the examples from AlphaSim and, it has to be said, although the exterior quality is good, the less than poor FDE's and lack of panels/sounds for their models really does ruin the experience! i'm still on the looo kout for the full list above.
  17. Hi all, following my complete format and re-install after a HDD corruption, i've now lost the following aircraft and cant for the life of me remember where i originally got them from :doh If you know of a freeware (or if not available payware) model available, then please post the link! if preferable, panel and sounds packed within the aircraft would be a bonus, but not a necessity. Also, i remember that all had RAF colour schemes as default. Thanks, Simi the aircraft are : Victor K2 - Handley Page Valiant - Vickers Buccaneer - Blackburn Canberra - English Electric Hunter - Hawker S
  18. indeed, i too thought the Comet, but the gear's totally wrongs, as is the probe. I also thought possibly a Vickers VC10, but im not 100% sure. As for the airport, no idea!
  19. well blow me away with a feather. never even considered it could be default FS9 aircraft! Well done Martyn, good guess. Your turn now, so whats next up....
  20. i too an thinking this could be something along the lines of a flying boat.. maybe an amphibious craft... i'm thinking maybe DeHavilland of Canada... possibly the DHC-3 Beaver?
  21. :yes: not a warbird, but vintage.. and not British. hmm, looks like im back to square 1, i'm beat for this evening! anymore clues?
  22. Warbird...no. Although thats not to say that this aircraft has not seen a fair old bit of action. hmm.. ok, so vintage...but not a warbird... that is if you classify a warbird only as a fighter... would we be seeing the rudder area of a British designed and built aircraft?
  23. looks to me like a warbird... of the propeller kind. or am i sniffing at the wrong fence post?
  24. thanks dont worry about missing yesterday, most of the more intersting items were cancelled, which was a shame. they had a full line up of super-cars, including the Ferrari Enzo and that Koeningzeg thingy, that were supposed to be racing teh Lightning, a Hawker Hunter and an EE Canberra! Also cancelled due to the weather was the appearance of the Jet cars - like the one Top Gear's Mr. Hammond destroyed, and a Canberra fly-past as said aircraft made its way southward to the Southend-on-Sea airshow this bank holiday. and thats not mentioning the numerous other things cancelled too.. they even
  25. Well, no responses but then again it was very short notice, and the weather wasn't particularly pleasant to say the least! Unfortunately XM558 wasn't allowed out of her hangar due to missing a few parts - i have it from one of the engineers down at the TVOC hangar that XM558 i sgoing to miss the Falklands event on Pall Mall taking place on 17th June, but Waddington is a possible as they've still got 5 weeks! Anyways, here's the few shots i managed to get before getting totally drenched and fleeing for home! Royal Navy Bucanneer doing engine run-ups, and just so you can get an idea, i was st
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