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Everything posted by dodgy-alan

  1. Very nicely done. well seen.
  2. Superb job, Flying into bad weather is great fun, but also very challenging. Well caught shots.
  3. If it's Boeing, I ain't going! Avoid all the fuss, choose and Airbus!
  4. I was at the concert, It was truly epic!. The best gig I've ever been to.
  5. Lovely to see this big bird. an amazing aircraft.
  6. Hey, well done you, bet she'll be fun to fly. Remember, there's no Ctr-Alt-Delete button on the real thing! LOL
  7. Superb captures, the real thing is astonishing, and absolutely awesome up close. It just dominates the landscape in which it sits. It looks somewhat ethereal. You fully expect to see an alien spaceship parked next to it!
  8. They are fascinating things and a part of the space programme that often gets overlooked by many people, all they are interested in are the big shiny rockets! They forget that without these arrays and dishes, nothing would work! I have Goonhilly as a scenery file but not been on FS for some time as life getting in the way! LOL
  9. No doubt bought from CMOT Dibbler back in the day!!
  10. You should never meddle in the affairs of Dragons! ......For you are crunchy and good to eat!
  11. You're welcome. Being there it felt like the backdrop of a Hollywood sci-fi movie, but you instantly knew that this was something special. the sheer size of those dishes is breathtaking. Especially Merlin at over 100 ft diameter. even when the visitors centre was open there were still certain parts that were marked top-secret and we weren't allowed to get too close! Very X-Files !!
  12. Excellent screenies and a great info from everyone. We have a similar tracking and listening post at Goonhilly Downs in Cornwall, There are various dishes on the site of the array and until a few years ago there was even a visitors centre and guided tour operating, sadly this has now closed as operations moved forward into enven more advanced work. It has been used for numerous space missions. Up close it is a very impressive place , going around it gives a very eerie other worldly feeling. It was a fascinating and exciting place to see. I loved it. https://www.
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