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Everything posted by J G

  1. I have eaten chickens feet on several ocasions and have actualy enjoyed them. Once you get over the texture, which is a bit strange to the western pallet, they are quite tasty.
  2. Thanks Joe. All of the above would be useful to know as I an very keen to create my own gagues. If they turn out well then I will happily share them. I'm not sure if I should share my converted gagues as they are other peoples work with nails banged into them. j
  3. For Part (a) Kinetic Energy of car = Power * time. E = P * T Velocity = Sq root of ((2*E)/M) where M is the mass of the car. (derived from E=1/2 MV2) I think...... I could be wrong though. I will rest my brain until that is marked and then maybe go on to part (b) later.
  4. Kevin, I think that you speak for every member! Thanks Joe We all really appreciate the service that you provide us with. Edit: I have been reading through other posts. @ Joe. Is it possible for you to grant the poster the ability to delete their own posts? I have sometimes inadvertently double posted (usually due to operator error ), and sometimes posted something that I then found to a question already answered of some such thing that makes me look like a right plonker (not hard to do! ).
  5. Give it to Andrew, he deserves the credit. I just did a translation
  6. Has anyone any experience in building new panels with these great devices? I have seen the freeware panels available on Simviation and have successfully modified two of them slightly. I have taken a four jet engine panel and converted it to a three jet engine panel (for my Tristar) and a two jet engine panel and converted it into a single engine panel. However these conversions just require the amendment of the background image and the deletion of the appropriate whole sections of the related XML files. Flushed with this success, I now want to build my own. I cant find an XML schema
  7. Nice one mate! I don't fancy landing in the dark at an unfamiliar airport with a nasty crosswind. I would be bricking myself! ... what was that place you passed? Lago Popoo? That would just about sum it up for me if I was in your shoes. Great PIREP and skilled flying, well done!
  8. Hon..Honissssly, gov..ner, I hsssent touch..ed a drop, Hic! ,
  9. Oh great! now maths has gone PC on us! So all those big red crosses on my maths book must have traumatized me. I think I will sue the school for mental cruelty.
  10. Desert sky. (I was once trying to kip in the Sahara desert and couldn't as it was to hot*. So I ended up looking at the milky way which was outstanding as there was no light pollution whatsoever. ) * Yes I do know the temperature is supposed to drop like a stone at night in deserts. Where I was, was in the middle of a heat wave at the time and 55 degrees in the middle of the day. So it did cool a lot, but not enough to make it comfortable to sleep well. having said that the days were 'king unbearable. We really did have a rule 2 "I don't want to catch anyone not drinking".
  11. J G


    Double post! Weird, I said I didn't have permission to post in this forum and then it did it twice!!
  12. J G


    I have AES, its ok but will only work with Areosoft airports and a few others. The way it works id that you buy an bunch of credits and then can activate it on compatible products that you have. The more complex the scenery the more credits you use up. I seem to recall buying in batches of credits that would activate between 2 and 4 airports depending on the bill for the airport. I always seemed to have a credit left over which was hard to spend on its own, but I guess that is a marketing ploy to get you to buy more. It is a while since I used it, as it is great for heavies and I don'
  13. Yep, I think you have it there Andrew.
  14. The required runway length at MTOW for a 747 varies on the mark, The 747 - 400 is the shortest at 9.902 feet. The runway at Jabara Airfield is 6,101 feet. Which ever way you look at it that is just not going to work. With minimal fuel and everything that can be stripped out removed, such a reduction is still a big ask. I guess you could test it with a similar air frame on a long runway, but think of the cost, and if the test fails, the Jabara 747 becomes a pile of scrap.
  15. Is that US Chips or European chips? For the benefit of the uneducated amongst us .... (Quote from the film Battle of Britain). USA EU Chip = Crisp French Fry = Chip Oh it! I will go with Fish.
  16. Joe, you have to remember that it isn't only the aircraft that need fuel, and oiling come to that. The older an item becomes the more oiling it needs. I know I do
  17. Yesterday I took my old dad to the RAF Museum at Hendon. This was a 5 hour round trip, which was strange as the sat nav says we are a mere 53 mins away! It seems a lot of other folks were going around the M25 yesterday. We had a great time, managed to get round all of the aircraft in a poultry six hours, and that is without looking at the other side shows at all. Its a great collection, and well worth the visit.
  18. Below is a photo of my FS rig. I run 2 PCs, a main PC FS and a Secondary PC that carries Plan G and Web site that I use while flying. The second PC powers the top screen whilst the maim FS PC used the remaining 5 screens through a dual-head for the bottom two, and a triple head for the main screens.. I run seven switch panels, one moving map panel, a warning lights panel, two throttle sets,a yoke, Rudder pedals, trackIR and on my rudimentary centre console, a keyboard and a trackball. I have five panels that are home made. three switch panels and a warning lights panel the run
  19. Below is a photo of my FS rig. I run 2 PCs, a main PC FS and a Secondary PC that carries Plan G and Web site that I use while flying. The second PC powers the top screen whilst the maim FS PC used the remaining 5 screens through a dual-head for the bottom two, and a triple head for the main screens.. I run seven switch panels, one moving map panel, a warning lights panel, two throttle sets,a yoke, Rudder pedals, trackIR and on my rudimentary centre console, a keyboard and a trackball. I have five panels that are home made. three switch panels and a warning lights panel the run
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