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Everything posted by J G

  1. J G

    British Bulldog

    Its not a repaint so I guess we might see a patch soon.
  2. Its not often I post here but I believe Douglas Bader once got totally legless in one of these: A great little number new to the JF site. Fun to fly and beautifully made. I had a few stutters despite running P3D v4.3 with settings fairly high, but not nearly as high as I could have had them.
  3. Special Relativity tells us by extension that as a body (mass) approaches the speed of light so its density approaches infinity. I can only assume that the writer of this article has had a ride on such a vehicle as clearly he is very dense.
  4. I have had some issues with this update. I have had a number of crashes when running it. It first appeared when I imported a pre-constructed flight plan. I don't think this version is the full release yet so it might be worth waiting a bit.
  5. J G


    That's a very nice HUD. It is interesting to see them being used on passenger aircraft, There original intent was to allow military personal to keep track of their instrumentation whilst keeping there head up to avoid threats such as enemy aircraft and the ground. I am not sure what value it has for a civilian aircraft where there is usually enough time to duck in and out of the cockpit when you need some data about the aircraft. I suspect it will get used on take off and landing but will be put away for the rest of the flight.
  6. Leg 42: KLGA La Guardian to GCLP Gran Canarias The last couple of legs I have flown have had a strange feeling about them. I think that this is because there seemed to be a lot going on behind the scenes. There was the gun battle at Panama City which I was kept isolated from, and then there was the entire Royal Navy ships thing, which I am beginning to think was a diversion to keep me away from other things closer to my expected route. Something was distinctly fishy, and I wanted to know what was going on. Questions put to Jasmine and Clive were met with a quick dismissal with an
  7. J G

    phew it's hot....

    I have had a couple of problems with one PC shutting down in the heat, but once I had removed the cat hair from the fans it has been ok. The other was with a 16 port switch. My internet kept dropping out in the heat and after a lot of messing about I discovered my switch was on the blink. It has finally been replaced and things are working again. Replacement 16 port switches aren't cheap.
  8. Back in the day when I was young and rode a motorbike I can remember waking up having slept on a friends floor after a party to see a very unsavoury bike gang member wake up, pull the Party four he had been using as a pillow, open it and proceed drink the lot from the can! Where were we..... I forget
  9. The Disappeared, IRA https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-10814888
  10. For the few of you who use it - you will know that the TackPack P3D v4.x version will only run on v 4.2 or earlier. Well a new version has arrived and at the moment it is only available through their support sight. It is available from here: https://forums.vrsimulations.com/forums/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=18502&sid=04c670fa249dc6659a8a9c31eb4e2082 Make sure you scroll down as it is on the second post in the topic.
  11. Personally I look forward to electric aircraft. Think of all that lovely leg room you will have in economy when they fit the bicycle peddles for the electric generators.
  12. Just like the post war Labour government selling Jet engines to the Russians so that they could reverse engineer them in time for the Korean war. Doh!
  13. I was at Farnborough on the Sunday and I cant remember seeing this. It must have been on the Saturday. It always makes me feel good when you see aircraft do such spectacular things, The A350 1000 did a great display this year, the aircraft doing things that may you think 'surely a passenger jet cant to that?' Clearly it could, and was demonstrating the limits of its flight envelope. As a passenger on such an aircraft I feel so much safer in the knowledge that the aircraft is so far inside its flight envelope as to be aerodynamically as safe as houses.
  14. The other day I came across a Donald trump mask: I flipped it over to find...... As they say across the pond... Go figure!
  15. The other day I came across a Donald trump mask: I flipped it over to find...... As they say across the pond... Go figure!
  16. The other day I came across a Donald trump mask: I flipped it over to find...... As they say across the pond... Go figure!
  17. I did the same as Joe and the installation went just fine. You need to install the content if you want the new aircraft that are available as well as some other things. I had only one issue and that was with TacPack. After the upgrade it wouldn't load. However this 'feature' is entirely down to TacPack as the software looks at the version of the FS installed. if it doesn't match the version you have purchased TacPack for it errors on start. I have emailed the support people about this and after a couple of weeks I have had no reply as yet. At some time in the future there will be
  18. J G

    Autostar X

    Has anyone used Autostar X? This came up in another thread and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with it? Also, I was wondering how it would sit with REX 3D?
  19. I decided to be adventurous and upgrade the content as well. I went down the upgrade route rather than the reinstall route and I am glad to say as fare as P3D went all is well. The content upgrade has given me the C130. I think it is the Captain Sim version as the textures seem to match those found in that models repaint. The VC detail is as good as you will get for what is essentially a free aircraft, so I am happy with that until someone comes up with something better. Worth the install? - yes I think so. I have had only one issue. TacPack doesn't work u
  20. Ok thanks Wain. I plan to upgrade to v4.3 soon and was wondering if I should upgrade the client only or do the content as well on the assumption that the C130 would be in that part of the upgrade. I will play safe and upgrade the client only.
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