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Everything posted by J G

  1. I have seen this aircraft before. But only when exceedingly drunk!
  2. I had a look at ADE and it looks like what I need. It says in the blurb that it works for all versions of P3D but I am not sure that includes v4. as there is no config settings for v4. Thanks for the tip though. I will see if I can get it to work with a bit more effort.
  3. I like to have a 'home' for all my aircraft. This would usually be an airfield and parking place. However this is not possible for about one third of my aircraft where the airfield they are based has no numbered parking places. Is it hard to add these to existing airfields where there are none? J
  4. Damn, I have gone green with envy!
  5. Thanks all. A very busy weekend spent between Guildford and Salisbury, with outrageous amounts of booze at both locations. I love the picture Matt, I guess it is a cake? I am not sure I would like to light the single candle! Einstein missed this in his theories, there is definitely a correlation between age and time. Something like: 1/ A * (PT) is a constant where A is age and PT is perceived time.
  6. For a moment I thought the above was the JF version, a quick dash over to their sight and I see it is still in development.:( The impending JF Vulcan is the number two on my must have list, the JF Tornado F3 that is in development being the number one.
  7. 'conspiracy theorist in me says others have a lot more to gain in these findingsthan the Russians,' I think you are over thinking it Brett. The other and most likely explanation is that the Russians are incompetent.  Salisbury is very dear to me as I am there about one weekend a month. My in-laws live there. I have seen the large areas sealed off and guarded by police 24 hours a day as a result of the Novichok poisonings. It makes me very angry to see such a blight to what is a very beautiful city, and to think how much worse it could have been if a gr
  8. I missed it! happy birthday Dolf! I hope you had a great day.
  9. I don't do social media but it looks like social media is doing me. If this is true then surely this is a gross invasion of your privacy? I will try the test made in the video and see what happens...... …… I duplicated the tests but spoke a while about fish tanks. I have no pet fish and am never going to have any so it is not something I have ever spoken about before. The result? No change in ads. I can state the following: My microphone may not be working. Fish tanks are too boring for Google to react to. Google is not listening. H
  10. I Have Netherlands True Earth. I can see no difference in performance with it over any other ORBX product. However I am running P3D v4.3 so I cant speak for other platforms.
  11. J G

    space is low!

    I have a narcissistic PC as well. I spend ages getting it how I want it and then as soon as I start some serious flight time, It gets the hump and does something nasty to get my attention again. PS. I am posting this from another PC so as not to upset my FS PC. I hope to get away with it but I suspect they talk to each other.
  12. I have one of these, they are great. Having got mine installed, I then needed a chair that I could wheel up to it and fly. Any office chair with wheels on it is not much good. We have wood floor and so when I pushed on the rudder I went backwards and the rudder stayed where it is. So I needed a chair that had a brake on it. Locking castors were not very good. Having wheeled into position, I then had to reach down to the ground to lock the wheels.... Which promptly moved me out of position. And then I came up with the perfect answer. A wheel chair. It has good and ea
  13. I know. Connection was very poor at times, still evident by customers standing by a wall and thus enabling "connecting is like banging your head against a wall" to become a reality.
  14. This incident is interesting if perhaps laughable in retrospect. Given what John has said and the fact that there was no such no fly zone marked on the charts I think that any attempt to prosecute this pilot would be on very shaky ground indeed. I hope the Police Department involved paid him compensation for the time he spent under arrest, and for the trauma that it no doubt caused him. It sounds like the charges dropped if he didn't take the PD to court was just great for the police. I suspect that the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) in the UK would have chucked this one back at
  15. Ditto ORBX. The Netherlands added to complete my European scenery.
  16. An interesting video. I can see several military applications for this, crossing minefields, perhaps getting under radar, landing SF troops in shallow water etc. However, I have two concerns, both are not addressed by the video, are these: First, its turning circle. Being so low on the water, any sort hard bank would cause one of two things. Either the "wing" would catch the water probably resulting in a cartwheel, or the craft would have to rise in the bank which risks loss of ground effect which would be just as catastrophic. Second, its ability to cope
  17. It looks like an error associated with TackPac, but if it isn't loaded then I guess you should look elsewhere. When you got the error, did (and could) you check in the menu bar to make sure the TackPac added choices were not there? Remember that it will load automatically unless you instruct it not to in the configuration tool. Also, were you using any other carrier add-on? If you have then perhaps you should uninstall it and rely on TackPac alone.
  18. J G

    British Bulldog

    The cockpit is great, everything works.
  19. J G

    British Bulldog

    Yes, which is why I thought we may get a patch for it. Since moving to P3D v4 I have lost some of my favourite aircraft, fie example, none of my three Lightnings (all Aerosoft) have been bought up to v4, but also I can't find a Tiger Moth which is a shame. I miss it as it is the aircraft I used to really properly get to grips with MS FS2004 back in the day, and has been in my stable ever since. The Bulldog is almost a substitute, it is fun to fly, not hard at all and is a beautifully modelled thing. I especially like the jittery valve springs on the cylinder head. The start sequence is al
  20. J G

    phew it's hot....

    Warm me up in the winter... Piss off in the summer.... Happens to me all the time.
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