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Everything posted by J G

  1. For me the important thing about the arrival of these aircraft is that Britain is another step near having a credible naval air power again.
  2. this is a step in the right direction. If they add military traffic I will buy it.
  3. I will see you there, but only if you don't see me first!
  4. Yesterday I landed at Gibraltar airport for the first time. For me this was an interesting event as this airfield is supposed to be one of the most dangerous airports in Europe. The runway is short, with the sea at both ends so any miscalculation is paid for in spades. I was in an Airbus 320, and our approach was from the east. It looked like we were going to land in the sea, but crossed the threshold just before touchdown and once the wheels were on the ground the air brakes were up and the reverse thrusters were deployed fully for what seemed to be a much longer period than
  5. J G

    Ground Services X

    Thanks Richard, that a very helpful. I will give a try.
  6. Leg 36: MMCT Chichen-Itza to MMPN Lic and Gen Ignacio Rayo (Uruapan) You may recall the events of Leg 34, me being shot at by a SAM in Columbia the gun battle (which I managed to miss) and the discovery that Putinfeld was trying to obtain the binary parts of a strain of Novichok. All signs of an escalation of the efforts of P. to gain the upper hand in his feud with yours truly. What I, or any of the security services for that matter, hadn’t understood was why this more overt and risky strategy was being implemented. Just why was P. taking such risks at this stage? I flew the Ga
  7. Does anyone use GSX? I have a couple of questions about it. If I was to buy this I would want to know how this would work with various aircraft, so: Can it be tailored to any aircraft? I have the Tristar professional military version on which I would want to use all of the features. Can I part of it only? So for military fast jets I would want to use only the refuel and pushback features. Any help would be great
  8. J G

    EZDOK upgrade

    I have to agree with Joe. I had some compatibility issues with EzDok v1 and abandoned it a long time ago. I rely on the cameras that come with the aircraft and use CameraPosition X when I want a new one. It adds a new camera position or edits existing ones without having to run alongside the FS. And it is only £6.99 from JF.
  9. Indeed, but the mass of the batteries is in the bottom of the sub and stable. The mass of hydrogen would be at the top of the compartment and free to move. However it would be such a small amount so as to be negligible in effect. Unless someone wanted a smoke.....
  10. Hydrogen in a sub. That would make it a bugger to trim!
  11. J G

    a2a fsx

    Thanks Wayne
  12. I rather suspect they have become extinct. Who ever heard of a merman? If there are mermen then they must adhere to the fish way of reproducing. That would make all mermen w**kers!
  13. I see it states that some of the materials used to make modern batteries can give off dangerous gasses if they get wet. That sounds suspiciously lit WW2 submarine technology! I have been looking at changing my car lately. I wanted a hybrid that can take a large dog in the back. The Lexus RX looked good until I found it can only go 30 miles on electric power from its batteries. Oh hum - back to my trusty diesel and bugger the pollution!
  14. J G

    a2a fsx

    I understand that it only provides airline traffic. Is it possible to inject GA and military aviation into it? I know you can create new traffic, but is this by using aircraft that already provided by the program or can you add aircraft?
  15. I was in the Bay of Biscay on a ferry from Bilbao to Portsmouth in a force 10 when I was a kid. All I remember was looking out of the restaurant window which faced the bow and seeing sea, sky, sea, sky etc. It wasn't for long, the view quickly changed to the inside of a stout paper bag.
  16. Beautiful old bird. Its no wonder they used to call them "kites".
  17. Hi Kevin. Carrier ops is high on my agenda as something to learn however I just don't have time at the moment Also most of the carriers I have found seem to be very poorly detailed and /or not Royal Navy. The two packages you point out look brilliant! I just might have to forgo my RAF only rule and get posted to the USN on detachment.
  18. Happy birthday Brett. Sorry its late, I hope you had a great day. 21 was it?
  19. 'Fraid so. More so when the Purple is deep. 😦 Now, where were we?...... Avarice
  20. Yes...no....wait...yes I can see the sun!
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