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Everything posted by J G

  1. J G


    Showing your age Geoff! I remember it as well
  2. J G


    Packed away, chair collapsed and joystick away under table. Ready to go. Joystick in position, chair up and ready to use. Note the Throttle and mouse platforms these are mounted on what was the foot rest brackets and are therefor easily removed. There is a USB hub on the chair so that only one connection is needed to connect the chair to the rest of the hardware. It is still around, acting as a bedside dumping ground as it is to large to go into the loft. It cant stay there as it is beginning to annoy my wife. I will have to dismantle it and chuck it
  3. J G


    And you did read on. Good psychology eh? But it occurs to me that our American brethren might not appreciate the non-pc element to my post. For the benefit of those in the dark (benefit is a loose term here), Spaz is short for Spastic, and is a very derogatory term for that condition, very very non-pc. In the UK it might be used thus; "Oh you utter spaz!" Similar to the American expression " You retard". Sorry I don't have a Spad. Does anyone know of a Spad with a fully flyable VC? Thanks John. Most of those who know me well would be less kin
  4. J G


    Project SPAZ is complete. If you're are very politically correct then don't read on. I think I now have the perfect FS chair for me. Its a wheelchair hence the name. I wanted a chair that had to be: Be comfortable with good back support (obviously). A wheelchair has this so [TICK] Have wheels that lock easily (so I can position the chair and then lock it in place). It has lockable wheels, these work independently of each other and so as the wheels have self propulsion rings, manoeuvrability is excellent. [TICK] Be height adjustable. (so that I can adju
  5. I knew the company was in trouble when I noticed that the MD had traded his Jag for a bike. Another clue was the repossession notice for the Jag on the floor.
  6. I am getting a 404 error when trying to navigate to the Guidelines page.
  7. Def: A tick on the best possible checklist
  8. No, this is a statement about the female MD. .........I'll get my coat.......
  9. Sadly the company closed. The workers were given the sack and told to go, the MD was told "on your bike"
  10. J G

    Subscription Maps

    I am looking into using subscription maps with Plan-G I understand from the manual that I should be able to use Mapbox to do this, but I don't understand how to make this work. It seems like Mapbox allows you to have 3000 tiles free and so it would seem to be a good idea to set up Plan-G with Mapbox so that: I know how to do it with other subscription services I know what to look for with a service before I subscribe - So I don't waste money on a subscription that wont work with Plan-G I have tried to set up Mapbox but with no luck. However I a
  11. There was a young mouse of Gujarat Who smiled as he rode on a cat; They returned from the ride With the mouse still on top, And the gun not yet gone pop.
  12. I like XP 11 best, its look has the edge for me. I would have a dabble with XP myself, but there seem to be no military aircraft for it at all. (correct me if I am wrong)
  13. Great shots Alan. I grew up with steam engines as my dad joined the Great Western Society when it was first formed at Didcot. GWR was his passion, he was a keen model maker like you. He built 20 or so O gauge GWR locos out of brass. I have visited the railway you have pictured above many times as it is only 20 minutes drive south of me.
  14. You had better hope that gun is loaded Micky.
  15. Who? ...... Oh you mean Charlie-boy. The Prince of Wales Lady Bracknell....Bracknell, Berkshire
  16. Very nice Alan. The Sea Vixen is one of my favourite aircraft.
  17. A dreadful thing indeed. A worrying moment for me as my wife works at St Thomas's hospital, only a couple of hundred yards from where it happened. Thank God she is safe. A sad day for all, but it wont stop a single Britton from going about their business tomorrow, These fools wont ever change our way of life.
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