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Everything posted by J G

  1. You may have noticed that things have ground to a halt in my historical adventures. I just don't have time to continue at the moment as I have had to ground myself at the moment. I plan to use all of my free time for the highly important ATWC 7. My reasons for doing this are simple. In the space of two months I have had to put my dad into a nursing home following a stroke, my Mum into sheltered accommodation as she cant cope with the large family home on her own and is starting to show signs of short term memory loss, and my aunt into an old peoples home as she has dementia. Also i
  2. Thanks Matt.... I will find something soon...
  3. Personally I would welcome the opportunity to stroll down to the marina from the bar G&T in hand to start my adventures.... Outboards would have to be strictly rationed on fuel and power.... But seriously, the impact of tides when sailing etc. would be a good thing to see.
  4. I have a couple of questions about Sailaway and where it is going. I can see its appeal for those who want to race, but I have a more adventure type of play in mind. I would like to see a better chart than the small map and to be able to enter and leave port. This last to start and end an adventure instead of having to start somewhere off the coast of...This would need better land scenery, to make it more of an FSX of the sea. Is this likely to happen? You would need an outboard engine, and proper mooring procedures. Also will Sailaway support third party add-ons as FS
  5. Black Tower - we thought it was good wine in the 70's !!
  6. Unfortunately the only way to restart the engine is to swing on the prop. Fortunately, as there were eight parachutists on board there were enough to get it up and running again.
  7. How many European MEPs does it take to form a committee to make a decision as to whether a sky diver should jump or not?
  8. The pilot was forced to shutdown one engine when it became apparent that it was infested with giant red parachute lice.
  9. Nice models, nasty buggers though.. One of my dads school friends mother was killed by the first one of so many that hit the Wimbledon area, and dad was nearly killed by one whilst on Wimbledon common. I had no idea that so many were launched towards Britain. It makes you realise that Islamic extremist suicide bombers are just a minor nuisance in the grand scheme of things. There morons think they can change our way of life by blowing themselves up. How stupid can you get? Sorry, I bit off topic there.
  10. I think the pilot forgot to hold the stick back when taxing.
  11. DB is a nasty thing. A couple of my friends have type 2 DB and it isn't a lot of fun. Uncontrolled DB is a killer, a colleague of my wife's husband didn't manage his DB well and he went to being a fit man to a wheelchair and finally to his grave. He was only in his forties. On a lighter note, a couple of weeks ago I hade one of those big WTF moments in my life. I have always had issues with my teeth, mainly because the roots of them are much longer than they should be. I had my wisdom teeth when I was young and I had to have it done under a general aesthetic as the lo
  12. I have this game now and it has a lot of potential. Some coastal detail, the ability to anchor or better still putter into a port would be the icing on the cake. It would be nice if it had the flexibility of FSX in simulating weather, cloud detail, new boats, traffic etc, It may well have this already, I hope so!
  13. I still play Sub Command as I like the strategy of a good sub game. I cant remember how old it is now but it could easily be 15 years old. I would like to see more pics from this game as it looks very good graphically.
  14. That looks like it may be a lot of fun! Can you get it from steam? Edit: yes you can! £29.99
  15. Lonely - I wouldnt be if you tasted it. The best beer in the world, there is nothing like it, not like your usual Stout that is for sure!
  16. I am never going to be able to look at two winged aircraft the same way again. I wonder when it came out of the hanger? As for the caption.... TopGear Special: Can our star in a reasonably priced pair of trainers get to the armoured car before Jeremy Clarkson machine guns him from a biplane?
  17. Very sad. As Brett says it is a sad day when you see an old bird crash, there are such a rare sight. I hope the air frame isn't too badly damaged but personally I wouldn't hold out much hope, any wheels up landing is going to stress parts that shouldn't be. I remember reading of a minor ground collision between a Vicars Viscount and another smaller aircraft. Because of where and how it hit, the Viscount was written off.
  18. Personally I would go for the petal, but perhaps while clutching a bottle of .Saltaire Triple Chocoholic Stout
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