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Everything posted by Soya

  1. Wonderful series and some very talented paints there. Must really take her out for a spin when I find some time.
  2. Good theme, its been a while since I entered but here are my attempts: Supersonic Brits: Those were the days: Early morning raid: Good Luck all.
  3. Soya

    Final Delights

    Cheers folks, glad these are enjoyed.
  4. Lovely series, might need to check this a/c out and add it to my collection. Thanks for sharing Joe.
  5. Soya

    Delightful Picks

    The scenery in the Airbus shot is freeware from Blue Sky Scenery, that particular shot was taken south of San Francisco (@100 miles) near the coast line.
  6. Greetings simmers, Here is my final batch of screen shots from my old FSX PC (RIP) which died late last year. These shots follow on from my last delighted pickings post as I felt there were a few more shots left over that might be enjoyed by others. So please do enjoy the view: (all shots are unedited apart from resized) Thank you for viewing these shots.
  7. Soya

    Delightful Picks

    Thanks Ray and yes, I am sure that is a photo... I mean FS .
  8. Soya

    Delightful Picks

    Great comments there folks, glad to hear these shots were enjoyed by all. An artist is nothing with its appreciative audience. Cheers.
  9. Hi folks, I managed to find some precious spare time to fit in a post to show a few random delights. All of these shots were taken with my old PC which sadly went RIP @month before Xmas. They are carefully chosen from 100s of shots that will more then likely disappear into my vast screen shots history folder. If I find some more spare time, might chose some more shots from that collection and post them in the near future. For now, please do enjoy the view on these delightful pickings: (all shots are unedited just resized for posting purposes) As always, thank you for vi
  10. Thanks guys, I certainly hope that one day the whole of the UK will look like this in FSX, now that would be something.
  11. Thanks guys, lets hope that eventually the whole of the UK will look like this!
  12. Greetings all, Here is a short series of shots, accompanied with a FSX made video, dedicated to the superbly made area of Shawbury Fields. The 3D objects that are placed on top of Horizon's VFR Gen X scenery with Earth Simulation's Shawbury Fields, really does make the entire flying experience even more true to live and a real pleasure to view. In with the mix is the very nice C208B Grand Caravan from Carenado. So please enjoy both the video link here -> HERE and the screen shots: (all shots unedited apart from resized) Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed the view.
  13. Greetings all, Here is another one of my homemade FSX videos, dedicated to the superbly made area of Shawbury Fields. The 3D objects that are placed on top of Horizon's VFR Gen X scenery with Earth Simulation's Shawbury Fields, really does make the entire flying experience even more true to live and a real pleasure to view. In with the mix is the very nice C208B Grand Caravan from Carenado. So please enjoy the video (best watched at 1080p): Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed the view.
  14. Soya

    HD MD-11 action!

    Joe, check out this link http://www.fs-recorder.net/download/download.php?id=fsxrec2100b2
  15. Soya

    HD MD-11 action!

    Cheers guys, a pleasure sharing these again. Hope you enjoyed my videos too.
  16. Soya

    HD MD-11 action!

    Thank you guys, some wonderful comments there and its good to see you enjoyed these videos as much as I did in making them. They sure are much more work and I feel I am still finding my way around it, so perhaps in time they will improve as my screen shots have. Joe: Didn't use FRAPS actually, I did for taking screen shots but for the videos I felt that FRAPS was causing way too much stuttering. You may noticed, apart from some of the tracking camera angles, everything was pretty smooth. I did the camera tracking via mouse, it was indeed smooth on my screen but for some reason on the playback
  17. Hey folks, Welcome to my latest offering on screen shots, this time showing a bit of MD-11 action with some excellent HD liveries by good ol' McPhat. Along side these shots I also made 2 new FSX videos this week based on the same HD MD-11 so now you can see how I get my screen shots with some wonderful moving images in full 1080p glory (mind you, alas youtube does compress the video files a great deal, so there is some lost of quality and a bit of 'grain'). So if you fancy seeing the videos I have made check this link HERE As for the screen shots from some of those videos, enjoy these right
  18. Soya

    HD MD-11 action!

    Hey folks, It has been a while since I made any new FSX videos, I only did a few last year but before I could do more, the PC died. A new year has come to pass plus the arrival of my new PC. So here are 2 videos which I been working on over the past week, 1 is more of a showcase closeup FSX video presenting the MD-11 with HD liveries up close and the other is more action orientated with MD-11 landings shown from a wide variety of camera angles/zooms etc. I hope you will enjoys these 2 as much as I did in making them, btw best viewed at full 1080p. Showcase MD-11: Action MD-11:
  19. Always a pleasure folks, more to come soon. Testing & installing is going well but slow.
  20. Soya


    Welcome and great entry shots, well done.
  21. Hi Folks, Let me share with you my latest test results of my new pc (specs & info listed in my last post). I have been mainly concerned with image quality and frame/smoothness performance, both are doing well, in fact I think I have the image quality to its maximum. Tricky part on the image quality was to get used to the new resolution I am running FSX now, previously I used 1920x1080 (1080p) now I'm using 2560x1600 on a 30'' monitor. Having more pixels sure looks good, awesome in fact, tricky part was converting the image bmps I took (16mb each!) to an acceptable size and quality on my p
  22. Cheers guys, I did some more testing and taken some more shots, will post them in a minute.
  23. Thanks folks, I still have much work to do and plenty of testing but I am very happy with the results so far. Hopefully will have some more shots over the weekend. Thanks, clouds is Cumulus 58, Cirrus 38 and Daytime theme is Over the Top. I wish I was getting 100fps, FSX is alas so CPU dependant that to get 100fps I think I will need a 8core CPU running at @6Ghz! Still on near max settings it is running pretty smoothly at @45-60fps (60 is max Vsync, no point in going higher) Cheers Joe, I still have much installing and testing to do, but so far, everything is showing a vast improvement.
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