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Everything posted by MyPC8MyBrain

  1. i have to say Dean is shockingly straight up with his answers; as difficult as they may be as a dev i have to highlight his words; seasonal files are simply the same image with enhanced or reduced color tone; there is no such thing as seasonal imagery no one can take clean shoots with overcast sky or pollution; season files has to be manipulated manually i think not charging for such simple feature is very considerate of MSC that’s just plain fair business to me
  2. haa, Thank you Mikael i had a feeling he has some baggage; didn’t know he was the GEX dev! agreed though, he has some good points to consider; to each his own really its always good to make a decision form a fully inform standpoint
  3. Disabling CD is the way to go like Alan said When creating scenery objects; the visual part in the final model Could have extending edges that are blended in or disguised in such way That it is not visible to you; but it exists as part of the model Your blade could be feet’s away from an object visually But that polygon cold be extending way out Blended with transparency Since you said you’ve been flying heli’s for little over a month now Give your skills some time to build; the big models are simpler to start with But the smaller ones will help you build your skill right Y
  4. your right Brett; this came out a while ago i noticed the author mended few details over time he clearly has his opinion on the subject; but i don’t think its products quality issue or competition between GEX and Orbx what caught my attention when i originally read the article was the LC "architectural" change being introduced to FSX personally I was more concerned about the little details about compatibility down the road they didn’t emphasis on
  5. oops i personally don’t use any orbx or keep track of their changes; i know they issued the uninstaller eventually thought the other information may be of interest
  6. this is worth few minutes read to help making an informed decision http://www.simforums.com/forums/ftx-global-and-gex-important-update-on-8-2-2013_topic46632.html
  7. i thought I’d share few more shoots of NE british Isles from our friend Manuel Bigot
  8. looks magnificent Dean; beautiful vibrant colors ; looks like a must have. as a side note in regards to water body’s; these are used significantly in real world piloting VFR pilots constantly look for the shimmer at the corner of their eye as indicator
  9. thanks to post like this i find myself sitting alone in my work room; literally laughing my head off; out loud! :rofl: its starting to happen too often; im wondering if im becoming one of those people or you guys are just hilarious
  10. Beware of the Snake (click the image once again after it opens in the new link for full HD)
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