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Everything posted by ddavid

  1. !sonirtuen eht llet t'nod tub, seY .iaD - sreehC
  2. That's a good Time, Chuck - and Thanks for the Post-card! Well Done, All - another great effort by Team Mutley - a terrific result! We're unassailable in the World Series now! Cheers - Dai.
  3. Sounds like a micro-lite with a jet engine... Cheers - Dai.
  4. Great textures, Jan - where do you get the time?!? Cheers - Dai.
  5. Nice find, Al - might even hava a field long enough for it to take off! Cheers - Dai.
  6. The Moving Finger writes and, having writ, moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line... Omar's been at it again, John. Cheers - Dai.
  7. C'mon, Bri - Andrew's younger than you and he used to buy their albums!?! What I think you mean is that you've led a sheltered life... _ Oh, Hi, Margaret! Cheers - Dai.
  8. I'd go for FSX Multi-player first as it's easy to get on. If the interest is keen enough, we could look at other, posibly more resilient options? Cheers - Dai.
  9. I've downloaded and Installed Narsarsuaq-X for an up-coming Hangar Review, and I've got to say it's really impressive. There is literally no comparison between this addon scenery and the default - and the blending in of the photo-scenery at BGBW (Bluie One/Narsarsuaq) is most impressive. Hopefully, the Review will be finished - GARSA willing (!) - by next week. Cheers - Dai.
  10. Seem to remember a Comp with that theme, Alan - but it was some time ago - Joe willl know... As to the default rotorcraft, MS need to upgrade their flight dynamics to be a bit more realistic! Nice shots, Sam - thanks for sharing. Cheers - Dai.
  11. Sch-yeah - Joe! Right On: Sorry, Andrew - not Aerosmith. Cheers - Dai.
  12. Looks like you had a good time - thanks for sharing, Sam. Cheers - Dai.
  13. You on commission, Al?!? Thanks for sharing. Cheers - Dai.
  14. Great advert for FS-Shipyards, though... Cheers - Dai.
  15. Thanks for that, FlyBytes - glad you pointed the glytch out. I haven't ever got comfortable with OPT since installing Jim Keir's FSX Mission Editor. Normally, I place scenery items by adjusting their Lat/Lon?Elev - a bit tedious, but the objects generally end up where I want them! Cheers - Dai.
  16. Sorry, Chuck - got confused wth the post-cards... :th_smiles73: Here's the revised Rosta: Leg From/To nm Submit by Pilot Time 1 Bogota SKBO to Ocana SKOC 226 03 Sep 11 Dai 107.03 2 Ocana SKOC to Malaga SKLA 103 05 Sep 11 Dai 46.57 3 Malaga SKLA to Yaguarito SK53 190 08 Sep 11 Kieran 90.03 4 Yaguarito SK53 to Pitalito SKPI 208 11 Sep 11 Rob 114.13 5 Pitalito SKPI to Ipiales SKIP 115 13 Sep 11 Dai 54.53 6 Ipiales SKIP to Ca
  17. Is the 88.47 min your Leg 10 Flight Time, Kieran? Cheers - Dai.
  18. Excellently executed, Boss - good Flight Time, too - Many Thanks! Cheers - Dai.
  19. Don't forget to take some photo's of the shores! Cheers - Dai.
  20. Thanks, Rob - Flight Times for Legs 7 & 8 noted. Cheers - Dai.
  21. Hi Leif Thanks to Kieran's suggestion, we've had a great time with your DH104 Dove as the Team Mutley aircraft in GARSA (Great Air Rally of South America) 2011. I hope it's O.K. that we've modified one of Derek Palmer's textures, based on the original G-AROI British Eagle, for ourselves. The texture has been made available to members of the team for screen shots. Nice model - thanks! Cheers - Dai.
  22. Good looking model with an excellent 2-D Panel - huzzah!! BTW, is that a Russian built C-47, Al? Great shots, thanks for sharing!. Xорошее здоровье - Dai.
  23. All in a day's work for Team Mutley, Bri' - trees don't get in my way! And, Congratulations: You've passed the Test! Cheers - Dai.
  24. Just completed GARSA 2011 Leg 5 - Pitalito (SKPI) to Ipiales (SKIP). A straightforward flight over the outliers of the northern Andes. Here we are, leaving Pitalito: Climbing up to around 12000 feet, the terrain is somewhat undulating - here's the Quebrada Cascabelito: To the east, the hills descend towards the Mocoa Region: Just over halfway, we reach the Rio Bobo resrvoir, which produces hypro electricity and is used for trout fishing - just like the Clywedog: As the mountains give way to the Guachucal plateau, we see San Luis ahead: The tower suggests Runway 06, so we obli
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