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Everything posted by goosenka

  1. I have always struggled with low fps as my machine is not that powerful however having played some other games for a month or two and started up fsx the fps has increased so much more than before. Can't see the reason why.....
  2. Ha ha thanks Gunner. Sorry for delay. I am away at the moment and don't really have the tools to search for the next image happy to pass on to whomever can take it on. Apologies.
  3. And to think that years ago i believe you couldn't become a commercial pilot without 20/20 unassisted vision.
  4. Just to add that you chaps astound me with your knowledge. I wager a few of you enjoy a good cryptic crossword now and again!
  5. Don't get into this stuff, it is illegal ! You might end in jail ... Ha ha. Just wondered thats all.
  6. I heard this as well. Amazing story. Apparently is also one their best pilots.
  7. Chaps if I may jump in and ask does photoscenery have a big impact on fps or performance? I don't have the best system but do run some freeware scenery such as uk2000 Gatwick and it seems fine. Equally where do you recommend good freeware photo scenery from?
  8. Well i did another flight egkk to egjj. I guess it is doing what it should be doing as far as following the route. It does clear the current magenta route about 2 miles before the next waypoint but does follow the Lnav route to the next. Maybe i am too ngxd out over the years to forget what i know and start again!
  9. Thanks for replying. Well, it certainly doesn't look like a hold point. I will persevere and try some alternate routes and evaluate. I have disbaled the dynamic view option in ezdok as from reading it doesn't seem to work.
  10. Ok, so patch is the correct one. Also just flying again from eglc to eham. Get to REDFA and boom. Route disappears and plane starts circling. Flight plan still in FMS. If I use DTO to next waypoint bingo, its back on track. Most annoying.
  11. Howdy....well the download from flightsim1 stated that it contained the latest patch. Played with a few more contact points and noticed that the horrendous bouncing stopped when on stand but only happened badly when going from taxiway to runway. Like a bucking bronko!
  12. I have read and tried I must add, the fix to stop the Dash 8 from hopping about like a kanga either on stand and whilst taxiing. I have played around with the contact points figures - still doing it, checked FSUIPC for auto save - still doing it. Also whilst on topic, today i attempted a flight from EGLC. Route set fine, took off, turned right to follow SID and noticed the magenta route line disappeared on the SID and only the next waypoint was visible. Normal or am I doing something wrong? Drawing on your vast experience people so many thanks. Goose Edit - another quesso....i have also n
  13. I recall back in 1984 when I was 10 flying from Shangai on some internal flight on a Vickers Viscount run by CAAC. Only about 10 of us on the flight. If I remember correctly all the seats were folded forward, food was a cardboard sandwich. What still sticks in my mind was that my Dad and I went mid flight for a wander towards the cockpit and saw the captain sat down having a smoke break. We asked who was flying the plane and he replied 'Student'.
  14. Not really my forte doing screenshots but thought I would have a go. Did a cheeky flight form Shoreham heading west to watch the sun set. Landed at Boscombe Down....with clearance off course
  15. Hoping to be at Shoreham on the 31st with Club Lotus. If anyone is coming please come over and say hi.
  16. Great write up. I too have been to Mango. Its only a 10 min walk from my flat.
  17. As i live periodically in Shanklin i often can be found on my tod at Bembridge or Sandown on Vatsim heading wherever. ' I'm lonely......so lonely..... '
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