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Everything posted by charlie

  1. charlie


    That's a great shot!
  2. Nice shots, looks a little heavy!
  3. charlie


    Very nicely done.
  4. Great shots Adrian, fantastic #5.
  5. Nice shot Mike, but not keen on the livery, maybe look better when the finish it.
  6. Great job Al, with the wings back those things can't help but look fast.
  7. charlie

    Ready to go

    Lovely shot Noddy, a great combination.
  8. Thanks all, glad you like them.
  9. Better start some more serious flying soon, but then again there's nothing like blowing the cobwebs away.
  10. Thanks Al, great shots, may not get out of my hangar much, but I'm going to get one. Thanks again.
  11. charlie


    Great job as always Jan, love the approach shot.
  12. Evening taking in the sights of Portland...
  13. That's great, a sharpness I can only dream about!
  14. Thanks all, GEpro, HDESun and UTEurope (and a corrected .cfg!) have to take the credit. Here's the enbseries Remington, I use the 0.74e release: [PROXY] EnableProxyLibrary=0 InitProxyFunctions=1 ProxyLibrary= [GLOBAL] UseEffect=1 AlternativeDepth=0 AllowAntialias=1 BugFixMode=0 SkipShaderOptimization=0 QuadVertexBuffer=0 [EFFECT] EnableBloom=1 EnableOcclusion=0 EnableReflection=0 EnableMotionblur=0 EnableWater=0 EnableShadow=0 DepthBias=0 [iNPUT] KeyUseEffect=123 KeyBloom=120 KeyOcclusion=121 KeyReflection=122 KeyCombination=16 KeyShadow=119 KeyWater=118 [REFLECTIO
  15. Scarborough to Blackpool. Left Full Sutton and looped around to the East coast before heading across the Moors and Lakes to Blackpool. Worse weather just past Barnard Castle. Over the Lake District
  16. charlie

    Let it snow!

    Bad enough driving in that weather, nice shots Jim.
  17. Thanks all. Got to decide what's to go on and what stays off.
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