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Everything posted by charlie

  1. Just flown into Aberdeen in the Tomahawk and managed to bunny hop on the way to taxi, looks like it's triggered by external views.
  2. Great shots, looked like a lovely day!
  3. Thanks Viking, gave me some ideas though as I hadn't tried it in different locations away from my usual flight zone. Trying it elsewhere on water showed the hop, but it doesn't create a splash and the water rudders don't move. Back in Alaska, there is a distinct splash. More questions now, but that's a good thing because I was at a loss. Going to look at those cfg's and see what was changed if I can and see if I can apply it to the 206. Thanks again!
  4. There are some great entries so far, good luck everyone.
  5. A little higher, bigger, heavier and faster...
  6. I'm glad you mentioned it because it got me thinking, and it doesn't occur in FSX for me either. Going to wade through settings later on until something turns up. Thanks again.
  7. Thanks Andrew, put in an email to them yesterday. This is in 2004.
  8. Thanks all, keeping it short at the moment, all coursework now in, just got to mark it now!!! Thanks again.
  9. Been having this problem for some time, and only just noticed what it is. When on water, the plane performs bunny hops in external view re entering the water with a large splash. Just seen that on land, when I choose external view with 'S' or any other button or key, on many occasions this seems to have caused the water rudders to drop and they can be seen raising. I haven't reassigned the water rudders, and there is no conflict with the views. This video shows what I mean, I have only been cycling views and am not activiating the rudders... Any ideas greatfully received!! Thanks
  10. Still struggling to fly a great deal, give it a couple of weeks and work should have eased slightly...managed an hour for Bluegrass and Airhauler over the weekend. Here's the fleet so far, stationad at Kake.
  11. Thanks all, I'm going to have another go now I've got the hang of the software and do more areas in managable chunks. I'll upload them, hopefully they'll be enjoyed by others. It's a real mixture Jim, collected over 7 years. The ground and sky are GEPro. I used to only use the ground textures, but in the last month have let it install sky colours and ground tones to match depending on the cloud cover. The original landclass, coast, rivers and roads are UTEurope. The mesh is fsgenesis 19m. Clouds are from FEX and pulled from textures into FS9. The sun is HDE Sun (freeware), which provides the
  12. charlie


    Thanks Mikael, downloading mine now, looking forward to flying a new area.
  13. Finished adding the extras on the Moors...
  14. charlie

    Pitt Meadows

    Very nice indeed!
  15. Fantastic job, makes you wonder who made it to the gate first!
  16. Nice job Al, that is one ugly silhouette!
  17. Great shots Joe, that does look nice!
  18. Hope this helps, first use something like FSscreen to save screenshots sequentially. I use it all the time. Next, search for Autohotkey and download it. It's not available from the main site, softpedia have a working link (it is freeware). Run it. When it has created the inital script, delete the contents of the file and put in (alter the joy number as required): Joy4:: Send {PrintScreen} Save it and reload the script from the icon in the notification area. Joystick button 4 now sends an image to fsscreen when FS2004 is running...as long as it's not fullscreen! I think this is what you w
  19. Thanks all, going to work on it more over the holiday. Hardcastle Crags is on the list next now Dai. I had a look and there's far too much urban sprawl. Going to try Sbuilder, LWM's not bad, but taking me a while to get used to. I don't know what you mean Joe! Thanks again.
  20. Can't get EZ landclass to talk to FS9 anymore, so had to start learning LWM Viewer. Here's the first attempt at improving the landclass locally. River Derwent forestry... Oliver's Mount at Scarborough now has woods... As does Forge Valley and Raincliffe Woods...
  21. Great shots Al, particularly #1.
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