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Mutley Crew
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Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. Second picture from me: "Seas parted on request..."
  2. The bedstead has four pilots - one on each corner - each with her own broomstick...
  3. I was going to do a nice inverted flyby just for you, but I sorta banged my head. Owww! :phew:
  4. Mmm nice. I know where I'm going for Christmas this year... :icon_thumbup: Don't have any 'lurching' issues with my 'van either when it starts.
  5. I was going to say you should have gone today - it's been 32 degrees, severe clear, and baking here all day, but a quick look on the weather map, and... you guessed it - the one place in the entire UK where it's still peeing down is: The Western Isles!
  6. Somehow, seeing double without it being from the effects of alcohol, just doesn't have the same... appeal! Now, if I go have a little drinkie, will I see four of them?
  7. New edition of PC Pilot just out in the shops (or download on iPad/iPhone)
  8. Ouch! That looks more like the pilot did a dead stick landing and the plane simply nosed over on contact with the brush (not uncommon).
  9. The main issue with a heavier engine will be in reduced load capacity, since tha MAUW of the aircraft will stay the same. Now, if the increased efficiency of the engine means it requires less fuel, that weight saving will offset some or all of the new engine weight.
  10. It's easy - I don't believe what they write about other subjects either! Still at least they disn't use words like "plummet" or "close to a school"... :001_th_smiles48: And thankfully everyone survived, so that is good news There's not really enough information there to conjecture what might have happened. Maybe the engine stopped and couldn't be restarted. But that would have just been an off-field dead stick landing - nothing to write home about unless the terrain was inhospitable. I wouldn't have expected it to nose in under that circumstance though (and what does "at an angle" mean?
  11. So long as your tablet runs Windows (ie it's not an iPad or an Android), it'll be fine. Wired networking is also better than Wifi.
  12. @John: No, it's just the easiest way to spot my house! @ Joe: Enstone!
  13. Nice set of pics. M3 - A34, Stay away from Harwell, and wave as you pass the power station. Easy peasy! :icon_rockon: Right hand circuit for runway 19 (or you'll infringe Brize Norton), and caution Weston on the Green: the danger area is active 24/7 with meat bombing from 14000ft. But, 7 miles further and you would have reached somewhere truly worth visiting (I know, cos that's where I've been all day!) :icon_thumbup: Actually, considerably less, cos you flew over Blenheim Palace and some way past it into default territory... Oh, and you'd be shot RW for standing around on the apron at K
  14. I've just been reading the 7 page diatribe on Horizon's forum. Oh what a monumental cock up! My discs still haven't arrived, so it sounds like I'm one of the "lucky" ones!
  15. I don't recall ever seeing an update for v2 (other than v3...)
  16. Some say that's a Good Thing...
  17. Personally, I recommend Plan-G. But then I wrote it, so I'm biased!
  18. Freeware: Ant's Tiger Moth http://www.antsairplanes.com/ Payware: A2A J3 Cub with Accusim
  19. Hey, it's the man with the mike! Welcome! :icon_rockon:
  20. V3 is supposed to be out on the 15th. That bundle is for V2. But it's down to your ability to add up to determine whether £56.07 + (3 x £7.99 for the updates from v2 to v3 -- but half price if you preorder by the 15th using the discount code) is cheaper than 3 x £34.99 (plus postage)... And you might need the extra 35 odd quid to placate the wife when she finds out what you did with the other 70...
  21. Have a look also at EarthSims, who do some very nice enhancements for GenX (yes, addons for addons!), as well as making stunning scenery in their own right http://www.earthsimulations.com/ Plus of course you'll want Plan-G in order to know where you are http://www.tasoftware.co.uk/planG.htm but at least that one is free!
  22. I don't know about that. They do very well in relatively wild places that have a low density of culturally significant landmarks. But landclass is woefully inadequate when it comes to places you might need actually to recognise or identify, and even Orbx use photo infills for those situations. Now in the extremely high density landscape of Western Eurpoe (say), where almost every square kilometre is distinctive and filled with ancient monuments, prehistoric hill forts, disused WWII aerodromes etc etc, all of which are highly visible from the air and widely used by pilots for navigation, even w
  23. Bear in mind that Horizon regard their scenery as non-transferrable (the EULA expressly forbids selling on the old discs), and if you bought old discs second hand, they won't even let you register on their forum. Now, if you've been given them free, and they don't work, well, what have you lost? Provided you understand that Horizon won't give you the time of day yet alone any support, and you won't be able to install the cheap v3 upgrade discs. Regardless, UTX Europe is worth buying, for the more accurate rendition of coastlines, roads, rivers, towns etc. Although they will still look like d
  24. Here's my first picture TOGA Power.... That's SaraTOGA power!
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