Everything posted by Tim_A
Yup, nice to see you in the company of a couple of proper aeroplanes... :icon_thumbup:
Plane is loaded and ready for the off Short grass take off. Last time I did this it ended in a brief roll down to the beach! Crawling out... Who's idea was this? Next time, take the long runway! Pimp dat plane! Arriving at The Lizard, right on cue The Isles of Scilly come into view The approach and landing were rather 'busy', so I didn't get any pictures. But we're down and save, with no visible damage
Checked hatches & harnesses; cleared for take off; let's go! Climbing out Crossing Southampton Water Portland Bill, home of Portland Stone (the quarries are quite visible), and of course, the birthplace of Portland Cement. Descending into Alderney Coming to a stop on the runway. Brakes are *smoking*!
Funnily enough I was in a 182 today (actually a R182Q), and it had the same horrible moulded plastic panel with the fake wood effect trim, just like the FS version. <shudder>. Nice plane though :001_th_smiles89:
Maybe it fell down the cliff? Plan-G shows it at 288ft elevation in FSX.
No. There is only one "Program Files" folder, and it is on your system drive (usually c:). 64-bit machines actually have two folders "Program Files" which contains 64-bit programs and "Program Files (x86)" which contains 32-bit programs. You can create a folder anywhere on your PC and call it "Program Files", but that will not make it *the* Program Files folder; it's just a folder that happens to have the same name.
Dzzzzzzzt! Owwww! :icon_yikes:
Whatever you do, DON'T install it into the default Program Files/program Files (x86) folder! You'll only be storing up heaps of trouble for yourself with permissions problems down the road. Install it somewhere else. In order of preference: (a.) on it's own hard drive (e.g. E:\FSX) (b.) on its own partition on any other hard drive (c.) somewhere else on your C drive (e.g. C:\FSX) Unless you have a super-fast interface (ie E-SATA) do not install it on a plug in external drive. Especially do not install it on a USB drive: They make snails look fast. To set the install location there is a "m
Some advice: Don't play AirHauler while you have the flu. I did, and managed to lose 5 points of rep in a single day! I had minions flying empty planes because the job sheets were backwards, minions simply ignoring jobs they had allocated (still not sure why that happened), jobs that I meant to assign to a minion but didn't, and jobs to fly myself that I didn't fly because I went back to bed. On the whole, an unmitigated disaster! Also, a few weeks back I leased a couple of Twin Otters. Superb planes. Well deserved reputation for getting loads in and out of 350m bush strips, small beaches etc
I've heard from other sources that pastel backgrounds can be really bad for readability with certain eye conditions. But then high contrast black on white is also really bad for other eye conditions. So you can't win.
I didn't get where I am today by..." No, I didn't get where I am today. That's it. Period. http://www.tasoftware.co.uk/blog/?p=190
Worked fine for me too. It's a nice little plane. Bit heavy on the controls, but otherwise it flies pretty well. Reminded me of a TB20 I flew once RW - that gave your arms a real workout; it was just like switching to a car without power steering! I've never flown an Arrow RW, so I don't know how light/heavy it is in real life.
Seeing as Alderney is one of my AH bases, I might get a few loads delivered on the way round.... :th_smiles73:
Dang! There's always something gets in the way of a good shot...
Ah, okay.
I thought the tail-or at least, much of it-was recovered early on as floating wreckage.
I learned my twice table when I was very young.... twice one is two twice two is four twice three is six ....
I tend to prefer the Islander, but that's mostly because the Twotter is a turbine, and I never quite get the hang of the lag in turbine engines. It's certainly no reflection on the quality of the planes - they are both excellent implementations.
"I got 10 sheep here for a mr Joe Mutley, can you catch? I'll put the docket on the end of a rope for you to sign..." (picture blatently nicked from Joe's ss thread) Unfortulately AH doesn't allow 'rotors running' or 'drop/winch' style deliveries, so I think the nearest you'd get is docking an amphib..
I was offered 2000lbs of live sheep to the Bishop Rock Lighthouse this week. I know the Twin Otter is STOL, but it's not *that* STOL!!!
900 miles to Japan, of which about 700 are over water. But yes, once I reach Japan, the over-water distances become much shorter. You should be able to go further in the turbine, as I gather it's fuel efficiency is better (at 22usg/hour/side, the regular Duke is somewhat of a gas guzzler! Ok, it's somewhat better at FL200, but that barely compensates for the fuel taken to get there...)
Unfortunately not - it clashes with a play I'm appearing in.
Leg 6: PASY Eareckson Air Station to UHPP Petropavlosk-Kamchatsky/Yelizovo Distance: 572nm (total distance: 3072nm) Flight time: 3.0 hours (total time: 17.5 hours) Fuel: 127 usg (total fuel: 795 usg) In some senses this flight took 27 hours, since we cross the international dateline and jump ahead 24 hours. Eareckson is a bleak and desolate place. Bleak, desolate and windswept. There is a stonking crosswind on this day - 18kts across the runway on the ground. But that's nothing to what's going on in the air! Here, I'm crossing the Attu NDB, and flying straight ahead from the cam