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Everything posted by TapA321

  1. Good point! I had already looked into a few addons, Madeira X is definately a good choice. Looking forward to that review. But since that excellent review of Alderney by Earth Simulations, that is currently first on my list! :atwc: Thanks again for the help, :blush: George
  2. TapA321

    2 Shots..

    Steve, Love the lighting in both shots - particularly on the sky on the second. Another thing that really stuns on both of these shots is how clear they are. Very refreshing and easy on the eyes. Great work! George
  3. Thanks for checking that, Joe. "Good" news that it's global. Perhaps something Microsoft should look into though ... it really does ruin the scenery. Cheers, George
  4. Hmmm...that's a nuisance. While we're on the subject of FlyTampa, I wonder if anyone could help me: Quite a while ago, I bought the St Maarten Complete (with TFFJ + SABA) for FS9, which came with an FSX st Maarten (but not TFFJ, SABA for FSX). Now that they have released the full version for FSX too, can I get a free upgrade? Cheers, George
  5. Thanks guys. :atwc: You are right, Joe. Time to change! George
  6. I'm very confident that it isn't my PC, because it happened on my other PC too. I never really played FSX, though, so I didn't bother to do anything about it. Haven't done many free flights yet, but now that you mention it - I have only noticed it in missions. No addons installed yet! Cheers George
  7. Hey Mutley, This is what the problem looks like: It only happens in a few areas, with a few of the land textures. One place is the start of the mission "Introduction to Mountain Flying". Cheers, George
  8. Just beautiful! :blush: Cheers George
  9. Hi guys, As some of you will know, I've recently purchased a new PC (finally!) :blush: So with FSX installed, I'm completing a few of the missions. Here's a single shot at the end of 'San Juan Island Run'. Cheers, George
  10. Hi Mutley, Global Texture Resolution is already set to very large as is the LOD set to Large I'll post a screenshot when I next get the chance to go on FSX Cheers, George
  11. Hi chaps, Finally got my new PC up and running and FSX (SP2). It works wonderfully! The only problem I'm having with FSX is that some of the terrain textures appear blotchy and from a distance, some look a bit pixel-like. I think I saw a thread somewhere (perhaps on this forum) about this, so maybe people will know what I am talking about. If not, I'll post a screenshot. Any help appreciated, George
  12. :biggrin: I was hoping it would be the other way round. I have vista (32 bit) on my laptop, but I'm a novice with 64 bit. It wasn't an option though - 64 bit seems the way to go. If I'd got 32, I'd probably end up regretting it at some point. Cheers George
  13. TapA321

    LOT Embraer

    Both works of art. :biggrin: Love the clouds in both - so artistic. More please Cheers George
  14. Hey Mut, Yep. 64 Bit Home Premium Cheers George
  15. Nice one, Steve. Looks like Microsoft could do with someone like you to promote their default A/C. Nice colours, Dai. Thanks to all for the contributions Cheers George
  16. New system due to arrive by the end of this week I have settled with the following: Intel i7 920 2.66ghz OCed to 3.4ghz Nvidia GTX 285 1gb single DDR3 6GB 1600 Mghz Thanks for the help, George
  17. Happy Birthday, Joe! Kind Regards, George
  18. This is a real blow to a lot of the FS Community - and really sad too. It's amazing when you think about it just how many people will be affected - World of AI for example. This is such a shame. I don't think there would be a single week if not a day that I downloaded something from that site. George Luckily, I've used a completely seperate password for that site.
  19. Excellent edits. The last shot in particular - I think you got the contrast of the clouds and aircraft perfect. All the three (particularly the 3rd!) would make a great wall picture/poster Great work George
  20. They are real beauties, rob. The lighting on the first is on the verge of reality, and the colours in the second are gorgeous! Great work, sir! :smile: George
  21. Well I have the core components that I really mentioned pretty much confirmed. Now for the other parts, this is what I was thinking: Power Supply: 800w Silent PSU Soundcard: Creative Soundblaster X-Fi. Speakers: Creative Inpsire T6100 5.1 Surround sound Cheers, George
  22. TapA321

    Good Cat

    Looks great, Rob. I like the rays coming off of the sun - nice addition. Cheers George
  23. I believe the ref was norwegian! :smile: George
  24. Nice edit, RB. Like the lighting - really brings out the details on the aircraft. Thanks for taking part, George
  25. Hey Guys, Here are a couple of edits I have done using the default FS9 aircraft. Anyone who wants to try is welcome to post their edits on this thread too. They can be any default aircraft (repaints too) from FS9/FSX. The default aircraft obviously aren't as detailed as the many add on aircraft available so that is part of the challenge! C208B Caravan wet at St. Maarten. Some of you will remember this one. DC3s at Pearson. Cheers, George
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