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Everything posted by TapA321

  1. TapA321

    Le Concorde

    Really beautiful shots, Soya. You were almost in space on some of the shots! I hope that all these FS Software developers are paying you for advertising all their software in style - some of your shots have certainly persuaded me to buy certain products! :biggrin: Cheers, George
  2. What did you buy in the JF easter sale? Well, I bought this lovely Carenado Piper Seneca (to add to my collection). With my points and discount, it only cost my
  3. Nice shots! How much do you charge? Cheers, George
  4. REALLY LOVE shot number 5, Joe! Great work! Cheers, George
  5. Excellent shots, Joe. I quite like the wideness of the windows on the cockpits of these VLJs.. Cheers, George
  6. Really lovely shots. I'm considering buying the Seneca. Is it nice to fly? Cheers, George
  7. The thing that makes me laugh the most about the AC-130 is when on the Spetsnaz team, the guy shouts "ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE!" - and he sounds like the thing is aiming straight at him, whereas the Task 141 guy sounds really relaxed :baton: Who sounds the most scared? ... Nice shots here on FS though Cheers, George
  8. Thanks to all for replying. Everything installed fine and I'm now just experimenting with different themes. I'll put some screens up soon, too. Cheers, George
  9. Hey rob, I don't have ASX, but could I just use the default FSX weather engine and the REX textures? Another question: On the Mutley's Hangar review (
  10. Hey Needles, Thanks for the reply. Glad you're enjoying it - I will be when it downloads (should finish sometime next month probably!) Cheers, George
  11. Hi all, I'm still using FSX Default! :biggrin: This seems to be what everyone uses and looks very nice. Just a couple of questions: I'm reading a variety of reviews first, including the Mutley's Hangar one, and there seems to be a lot of features for this addon. Are any of these by any means compulsory? Can I just have the benifits of beautiful environments and leave the flightplanning, real world weather etc.? Secondly, if I were to install this, I suppose I would install it with FTX mode "OFF"? Cheers, George
  12. :biggrin: Nice set, soya. I really like the sun reflecting off the wings. This is FS9 I presume? Cheers, George
  13. Thanks guys. Here's some more... Turning towards RWY 25 Here she comes! Cheers, George
  14. Hi guys, Unfortunately I only have 5 shots of when I was doing some quick T&Gs this evening, but I'll upload some more shots (perhaps a full flight when I get time tomorrow). This scenery offers some really beautiful approaches, both of which are partly over water, and the approach to runway 07 offers a chance to see some dolphins :biggrin: BTW Joe, an FTX adventure flight thingy sounds a great idea! :smile: Cheers, George
  15. Nice set there, Kieran! :biggrin: Cheers, George
  16. Really nice, Joe. I'm really getting used to the FTX sceneries now. Got some shots of YPEC (Au Gold) uploading at the moment. :biggrin: Thanks for posting, Cheers, George
  17. Beautiful shots! Love the 747 at St Maarten :biggrin: Cheers, George
  18. Hi guys, Another HD vid. This time a full flight across the Grenadines, from JF Mitchell (TVSB) - Union Island (TVSU). The aircraft is the Saratoga. I came in a bit too fast on the landing - I still need lots of practice with this aircraft, and the small runways in the Grenadines And I'm pretty sure not many watched my last video posted on here, so if you missed that, here is the link: Any comments/feedback greatly appreciated! Cheers, George
  19. hmmm... Fluffy Waffle Brains :biggrin: Cheers, George
  20. Thanks for the 5 stars, Joe! You really don't need a great PC to run this add-on though ... I think I get better frames than with the default! And it still looks 500x better :dance: Cheers, George
  21. Joe, Thanks for the reply and heads up! Yes, this is recorded using FRAPS (at 29.97 fps). Not using Track IR in this - the panning movement is just with the default camera movements in FSX. This scenery is definately an excellent buy - and great for recording too. Cheers, George
  22. Hi guys, Some of you may have noticed my post about fraps a couple of weeks ago, and having some free time over the weekend, I decided to make a quick FSX HD vid. My Youtube account is "ForestSwift", as opposed to TapA321 - it's not just aviation vids. You can find a full list of my specs on my YT channel! The Scenery is by Aerosoft, and the aircraft is the Carenado Saratoga SP (FSX Version) Any comments/feedback are greatly appreciated! Cheers, George
  23. Thanks for the help and advice, Joe! Will purchase fraps sometime over the next week or so, and perhaps upload some FS HD vids soon! Cheers, George
  24. Hi guys, I was wondering if fraps was the best video capturing software. Now that I have the means to upload HD vids to youtube, I wanted to start making some HD FS vids, but obviously I need to purchase a video capturing software. I have always used fraps before, and the free download version records in excellent frames on my new PC - so to me that seems like the best option. Is that what most other people use (who record in-game videos)? Here's a video I made just the other day, and fraps seems to take really nice screenshots too. (sorry for it not being FS related, but I wanted to take
  25. I am running a GTX 285, which works great for me, so I would say either a 260 or a 275.
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