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Everything posted by TapA321

  1. Another fantastic edit again, Marcus. Well done! :thumb: A Nice full moon would have been the iceing on the cake! :wink: George
  2. That looks like Traffic 2005. Have you tried asking over at Just Flight? George
  3. Problem Fixed! I changed one of the dones off of taxiway 'B3' to a 'Hold short done' using Afcad 2.21 and it works! I also changed some of the parking positions to realistic ones, because some reason the US Airways were parking in the GA area? Thanks for the help George
  4. After browsing over a couple of past threads, I have noticed a couple of people with their names highlighted in orange and I can't help wondering what it actually means? Sorry about this, I'm just quite curious! :blush George
  5. Aha! After re-looking at this post I am able to understand what's going on. These are the entries that would go into the 'flightplan' pad and then you would assign an ac# and enter as so in the 'aircraft' pad. Then create an 'airports' pad with all airport data in. If this is correct then this post could come in very handy to me as I am always keen to keep my traffic up to date! Thanks for this, Sam. George
  6. TapA321


    Thanks for that, steve. I'm getting FEX for my birthday in October, along with some VFR addons, because I would like to try to get into using FSX for VFR and Fs9 for airliners. I might take a look at that FTX addon too; your screenshots I saw of Sydney were pretty impressive! George
  7. What? My disc doesn't have a repair function!!!???
  8. TapA321


    Wow! Nicely done, steve. Where is this? Also, do you have a special water add on for FSX because that water looks extremely realistic! George
  9. Hi there Panos, With regards to the AI traffic overiding you, does it happen with all aircraft or just a specific type? George
  10. :good For a first try, that is fantastic! The only thing I would say is that the aircraft in the distance appear a little squashed, but other than that, keep them coming! George
  11. Hi there Steve, I make all my own AI, with the odd WOAI package here and there, but I have just recently updated my database to summer 2008 flightplans, so I don't use 2007 un-updated packages from WOAI. However, I don't think the traffic is the problem because the other person witnessing the problem was using Ultimate Traffic. I think the thing I need to do is edit the AFCAD to have a hold short node, only I have absolutely no idea how to edit afcads as I have no knowledge of them whatsoever, and I don't really like to fiddle with things when I don't know what I am doing. So, perhaps, I'l
  12. Hi Joe, No I don't use JF Traffic and I don't think there is 2 Afcads, because that would deduct frame rates and I get quite good fps there. I think it is a problem with the original Afcad and I have been directed by a member of the JF forums to download one of avsim. This might have fixed this problem, but makes some aircraft park in weird places, like United park in the GA area. I'm still trying to find a solution, though. Maybe I could add the hold short done myself using an AFCAD editing program? Thank you for the reply, George
  13. Well done Joe! You are correct Clue: Saskatoon and Cartoon I was going to put another picture up, but it seems some people are too good at guessing! Over to you Mut. George
  14. Nice pictures, panos. I'm glad you had a good time. Looks like quite a hike around where you went, plenty of flying, though! George
  15. Hi guys, I have only just noticed an annoying problem with Portland FZ2 by Flight Scenery, where the AI have a tendancy to park on top of each other. This happens mostly with the Alaska Airlines aircraft, but also sometimes with the United/Delta/Continental aircraft on the otherside of the airport. I researched the problem and only found one place with information on the topic but that didn't explain how to fix it, it just specified the problem that 'Taxiway B3 doesn't have hold Short call' and so some AI aircraft are not contacting ground and being directed to a correct parking place. :yes:
  16. :good Fantastic, atmospheric shot, Marcus. I have seen a lot of 767s recently, perhaps I should dig my old Level-D one out again
  17. TapA321

    737 Vs GE-90

    Wow. That is quite amazing. I have recently travelled on a BA 734 and they seem reasonably big inside, with rows of 3 and 3. I think to really appreciate the size of that engine, however, you need to stand next to one! George
  18. I start on monday week after next. I too am just starting my GCSE years, so I get to do stuff I want too. And also, I've had a very long holiday this year, so I don't mind going back really, the teachers are quite a laugh at my school. And Kieran, secondary school is a big step up work wise, but at least you don't get treated like some sort of idiot who can't even go to the toilet by themselves.
  19. It's an Air Canada Jazz RJ, but I'm not sure why the runway numbers aren't showing. George
  20. Right then, The first clue is the picture (and the aircraft will give you a clue of the area.) I'm not sure if this airline flies there though. The second clue is a word play riddle: "The second half of the name of the town is like the ending of a TV program with Animated Drawings." I'll give more clues if needed, but seen as the last one I did was guessed within an hour of posting, perhaps this one might last longer! George
  21. :good Wow! What a colour sky! That really makes me want to get flight environment.
  22. :good I rarely fly 767s but these certainly tempt me to have a go! I love the subtle engine blurring on the first shot and also the angles on all shots! Looking forward to more! George
  23. TapA321


    :good Steve, Two fantastic edits there. Love the angle of the first and also the amazing attention to detail on the second. I'm not too sure about the aircraft, but they certainly look the part! As always, looking forward to the next... George
  24. TapA321

    Assorted pics

    Your lucky to have a parent who likes aviation. Whenever I say anything about it it's "No...I'm not spending anymore time on simmarket!" :wink: George
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