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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. I must admit, cruise ships have never taken my fancy!
  2. There are a few for the Captain Sim 757: (edforce1.zip - CS757 for FS9/FSX, 2008 Tour), then there's a few for the Project Opensky 757. See 'Flight Sim Adventures'. BTW - if you have 'On Board Flight 666', that has a list of shows for the Somewhere Back In Time and Final Frontier 2010/2011 tours. Nice photos too. If you are planning an Around the World flight, I believe that the aircraft was used around Australia, but minus equipment that was trucked around
  3. hurricanemk1c


    Excellent shot Clem!
  4. Stunning shots Britfrog - nice to add a personal note to your flying
  5. Some impressive shots there Alan!
  6. Looks nice - not too windy though I hope
  7. Well the Tu-4 is a reverse engineered B-29, which also dropped Russia's first atomic bomb
  8. Look what effects my pride and joy makes! Quite fun really - luckily not real either! Just getting the bomb to drop is an achievement! A pair of prides now, from Marham And finally, the world's finest 757, G-OJIB. bit of a 'hoo-haw' when this aircraft went to Africa.....
  9. Superb shots Remmington - and I was going to use a Lancastrian.......
  10. hurricanemk1c


    Superb shots Noddy!
  11. Interesting little story there Alan! Of course, we wouldn't want to hit one of the atomic bombers would we?
  12. Superb paints, but the detail in the shots is amazing!
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