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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. From the Facebook post it was taken from (the page was The Chicken Works: The Aviation Art of J.P. Santiago via Aviation-Pictures/Videos/News) This stuff is golden- Lockheed U-2 carrier ops! Initial carrier trials were performed in August 1963 aboard the USS Kitty Hawk. More ops were done in February 1964 aboard the USS Ranger. Originally done as a way of giving the Navy eyes further over the horizon, the carrier quals dovetailed nicely into Operation Fishhawk, the 1964 U-2 overflights of the French nuclear test site at Murora Atoll in a remote part of the South Pacific. Murora was so r
  2. Not a picture, but a very interesting video :
  3. Hmm - nice if you're escaping, not so good if you're attacking - climb=loose speed. Superb shot anyway!
  4. Nice decals? Where did you eventually find them?
  5. Superb leg CSoul - where's the Bucc from? Looks like a nice model
  6. It does indeed look like a very nice aircraft!
  7. Interesting aircraft Jankees - great shots!
  8. Interesting shots Alan - those engines look a tad damaged!
  9. I'll wait until Friday evening - that alright Alan?
  10. hurricanemk1c


    Saw one of these display at Fairford - breathtaking! Superb shots Clem!
  11. Great shots Ros - rather you than me!
  12. Suprise suprise, Alan is right! Must try harder next time!
  13. That Type C looks very nice! Wonder if anyone has made a model of it? Anyways, here is the next one
  14. Interesting repaint Jankees - the last shot shows how distinctive the wing was!
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